c/Muntaner 200, 3-3
08036 Barcelona
+34 629 53 07 07


ForgeFlow (formerly known as Eficent) provides Business and IT Consulting Services to help companies in their digital transformation and to adapt to the the new volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous environment. We trust in Odoo as the best digital platform for this transformation, where we are Odoo Partners since 2014.

With a team certified in Odoo, we are currently listed as the Top 10 contributors of Odoo apps worldwide (https://www.odoo.com/apps/modules/browse?search=eficent), with more than 50 projects delivered worldwide. Our team offers the Demand Driven MRP for Odoo, certified by the Demand Driven Institute (https://www.demanddriveninstitute.com/ddmrp-compliant-software).


ACTinBlack Europe SARL
ACTinBlack Europe SARL 製造
ACTinBlack (ACT) est un développeur et fabricant de premier plan spécialisé dans les optiques de vision nocturne avancées.

En plus de produire des équipements de vision nocturne de haute qualité, ACT est un chercheur reconnu dans le domaine des technologies de vision nocturne.
AUST Development, LLC
AUST Development, LLC 科學
AuST Manufacturing is a medical device design and development firm from West Valley City, Utah, USA, with broad experience relating to minimally invasive devices and deep expertise relating to cardiovascular catheters. In addition to its development capabilities, they offer a number of novel technologies that can enhance catheter performance and improve production.
Bio Molecular Systems
Bio Molecular Systems 製造
Bio Molecular Systems (BMS) is a biotechnology company, established in 2010 and located within the Gold Coast area, Queensland, Australia. It designs, manufactures and distributes instrumentation for the life sciences and has the expertise in developing innovative, versatile, robust, and easy-to-use products with state-of-the-art facilities for both R&D engineering and manufacturing.
Ceras Martí nació en 1992 con el objetivo de fabricar y distribuir ceras naturales y
parafinas de todo tipo para una amplia variedad de sectores.
Con el paso de los años, Ceras Martí ha ido creciendo en el mercado y evolucionando
día a día con la compra de maquinaria específica para la fabricación de productos
propios y con la selección de los mejores proveedores por todo el mundo, en búsqueda
constante de las mejores materias primas.
Cardolite Chemical Zhuhai Ltd.
Cardolite Chemical Zhuhai Ltd.
Cardolite is the world's largest producer and developer of specialty chemical products originating from cashew nutshell liquid (CNSL). CNSL is a natural and renewable chemical having a unique structure suitable for use as a building block of advanced materials. Cardolite epoxy, amine, and polyol products are the backbone of paint formulations that protect assets from the most demanding environments.

With a heavy emphasis on research and development, Cardolite continues to develop innovative materials that can improve today's products. Coupled with global support and manufacturing, Cardolite strives to provide the highest quality service to the most demanding customers worldwide.


- Epoxy curing agents
- Epoxy modifiers and accelerators
- Epoxy reactive and non-reactive diluents
- Cashew nutshell liquid-based building blocks
- Cardanol based polyols and diols
- NCO blocking agents
- Novolac and phenolic resins
- Specialty chemicals
- Biobased technology
FIMICROTECH is an engineering company capable of executing customer projects, from a single piece to turnkey manufacturing based near Girona, Catalonia, Spain. The company offers engineering services such as 2D/3D design, project management, calculations, consulting, preparation of electrical projects, diagrams, Plc programming, etc., and integral manufacturing and assembly services, from a small piece to a complete finished equipment.
ForgeFlow (formerly known as Eficent) provides Business and IT Consulting Services to help companies in their digital transformation and to adapt to the the new volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous environment. We trust in Odoo as the best digital platform for this transformation, where we are Odoo Partners since 2014.

With a team certified in Odoo, we are currently listed as the Top 10 contributors of Odoo apps worldwide (https://www.odoo.com/apps/modules/browse?search=eficent), with more than 50 projects delivered worldwide. Our team offers the Demand Driven MRP for Odoo, certified by the Demand Driven Institute (https://www.demanddriveninstitute.com/ddmrp-compliant-software).

Fargo Additive Manufacturing Equipment 3D
Fargo Additive Manufacturing Equipment 3D 製造
Fargo Additive Manufacturing 3D is one of the leading manufacturers of 3D Printers, producing the famous Lulzbot 3D Printers and accessories (https://www.lulzbot.com). The company is headquartered in Fargo, ND, and sells its 3D printers worldwide.

Lulzbot 3D printers have been manufactured using Odoo since 2013, and all the company functions are now run using Odoo.
Fargo Additive Manufacturing Equipment 3D, John Olhoft
Fargo Additive Manufacturing Equipment 3D, John Olhoft

Fargo Additive Manufacturing 3D is one of the leading manufacturers of 3D Printers, producing the famous Lulzbot 3D Printers and accessories (https://www.lulzbot.com). The company is headquartered in Fargo, ND, USA and sells its 3D printers worldwide. Lulzbot 3D printers have been manufactured using Odoo since 2013, and all the company functions are now run using it.
Fijaplast S.L.
Fijaplast S.L. 製造
Trabaja para aportar soluciones de embalaje en los distintos procesos que componen el embalaje final de línea, tales como, estabilidad de cargas, formado y cerrado de cajas, agrupación y embolsado, protección de producto e identificación y etiquetado.
Texas Controls, S.A.
Texas Controls, S.A. 製造
Texas Controls es un grupo de empresas que se dedica al diseño y fabricación de herramientas hidráulicas para el sector energético. Posee delegaciones en siete países. Su sede está situada en Bergondo, A Coruña (Galicia).

Descripción corta del proyecto: Implantación de las apps de CRM, Ventas, Compras, Alquiler, Inventario, Fabricación, Reparaciones, Partes de Horas, Mantenimiento, Servicio Externo, Facturación, Contabilidad, RRHH y Proyectos.
Antes de trabajar con Odoo trabajaban con un ERP realizado a medida. Este ERP no les permitía planificar y gestionar de modo eficiente su fabricación y no se adaptaba a su proceso de alquiler.

Una de las partes clave de este proyecto ha sido poder representar en Odoo sus complejas rutas logísticas y de fabricación para que puedan planificar y gestionar de modo eficaz y eficiente su fabricación y logística. También hemos tenido que realizar desarrollos a medida en el área de alquiler para que se adapte a su proceso logístico. Finalmente hemos desarrollado un app a medida para el cálculo de calibración de herramientas.