

Centurion Micro Electronics
Centurion Micro Electronics
CME supplies embedded and industrial PC products to Africa. These are rugged PCs used in industrial settings like mines. The business currently operates from a store and deals with clients via email. They are using Odoo to move onto an E-Commerce platform.

Alicea Kelly, CME Marketing says, “The business directors looked at quite a few options when they were choosing a new system. They chose Odoo because it looked like it was the most user-friendly, easy to learn and understand. It was also one of the systems that incorporated everything we wanted. We wanted to add difficult interfaces, things we are used to that we needed to incorporate into the new system. Odoo could do that, where other systems would have struggled.

Odoo links all the different parts of our business together. For example, it links our website with our accounting system, so if you make a change on the accounting system that feeds directly through to the website. Odoo was also the best cost-wise for everything we wanted to do.

We are happy with the system. We only started using it on 1 March (one month ago), so we’re still in the breaking-down and fixing-up stage and we’re not very clever with the system yet. So far though, we are very happy with it. The people at Datasmith are very fast to help us with any issue we need to sort out. We haven’t been in a situation where we’ve thought we should’ve chosen another system yet – we’ve resolved every issue, either in the old way we used too, or in a new way with Datasmith’s help.