


Alando Global
Alando Global

Founded in 2017 in Shenzhen, China by a Belgian-Chinese couple, Alando Global is an expert in Cross-border e-commerce between China and Europe. Our first mission was to help Chinese factories to sell their products on e-commerce marketplaces.
Now, We expanded our activities in helping Chinese with shipping, customs clearance, storage and distribution of their products in Europe. 
Our first warehouse is near Liège airport and the team, consisting of Europeans and Chinese, are all highly skilled to help everyone to find the best logistics solution.

Benelux Chamber of Commence in China (Chapter Shanghai)
Benelux Chamber of Commence in China (Chapter Shanghai)
About the Chamber
The Benelux Chamber of Commerce is the most active Benelux business platform in China. Its members, leading companies from Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg, share an active interest in developing trade and business in China. It is the only Chamber of Commerce that is officially recognised and supported by the Embassy of the Kingdom of Belgium, the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Embassy of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in China.

Benelux Chamber has been growing at a steady pace since it was established in 2001. It currently contains 3 chapters; Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou (Pearl River Delta). It is the prime platform for the Benelux business community to get together.

Benelux Chamber currently has over 350 members, aspiring to grow further every day. Its base consists of Large Enterprises, Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs) as well as individuals with an active interest in developing their business in China. As an independent, non-profit organisation, Benelux Chamber is managed by a full-time secretariat of both Benelux and Chinese staff. All practises are guided by an active Board of Directors. Benelux Chamber sustains itself through government subsidies, membership subscriptions, sponsorships and event fees.

On May 27, 2010, Benelux Chamber received the Accreditation Certificate from the BLCCA (Accreditation Programme for Belgian and Belgian-Luxembourg Chambers of Commerce Abroad).



