ADMG er specialiseret i digital fremstilling, der tilbyder løsninger som 3D-simulering for hele livscyklussen af digital fremstilling og realistisk 3D-simulation af CNC-maskiner med nøjagtig kollisionsdetektion. De leverer tjenester som installation, træning, on-site assistance og optimering, der dækker områder som mekanisk/elektrisk, PDM/PLM, additiv fremstilling og mere. Deres vision er at forbedre den skandinaviske fremstillings konkurrenceevne gennem digital fremstilling.ADMG specializes in digital manufacturing, offering solutions like 3D-simulation for the entire lifecycle of digital manufacturing and realistic 3D simulation of CNC machines with accurate collision-detection. They provide services including installation, training, on-site assistance, and optimization, covering areas such as mechanical/electrical, PDM/PLM, additive manufacturing, and more. Their vision is to enhance Scandinavian manufacturing competitiveness through digital manufacturing.
Akustikken er en dansk musikforretning, der specialiserer sig i salg af guitarer, herunder western guitarer, elektriske guitarer, nylon guitarer, og andre strenginstrumenter som basser, mandoliner, ukuleler, og mere. De tilbyder også et væld af tilbehør, forstærkere, effekter, og strenge. Derudover har Akustikken et værksted for reparation og vedligeholdelse af instrumenter. Butikken lægger vægt på kvalitetsprodukter og god kundeservice, og de har butikker i både Aarhus og København.Akustikken is a Danish music store specializing in the sale of guitars, including acoustic guitars, electric guitars, nylon string guitars, and other string instruments like basses, mandolins, ukuleles, and more. They also offer a wide range of accessories, amplifiers, effects, and strings. Additionally, Akustikken has a workshop for the repair and maintenance of instruments. The store focuses on quality products and good customer service, with locations in both Aarhus and Copenhagen.
ASAPack A/S, part of the ASAGroup, is a company specializing in the packaging of industrial goods that require protection against the elements during storage to prevent corrosion. Established and managed by Kim Agerfeldt Sommer and Jakob Bisgaard, ASAPack tailors its solutions to customer needs, often contributing to the development of new, improved solutions. ASAGroup, the majority shareholder in 10 companies, focuses on creating value for customers and establishing long-term partnerships. With over 100 employees, ASAGroup operates in Denmark, Poland, and Norway.制造
Aibel Denmark A/S
Aibel Denmark, part of Norway-based Aibel AS, specializes in engineering and construction solutions for the oil, gas, and renewable energy sectors. Prominently active in offshore wind energy, they offer a wide array of services ranging from front-end engineering design (FEEDs) to operational support and maintenance.能源供应
Bornholms Mosteri producerer økologisk saft og most, skaber jobs for socialt udsatte, og fokuserer på råvarens smag og kvalitet uden tilsætningsstoffer. Deres produkter er økologisk certificerede og distribueres bredt i Norden. Mosteriet har et socialt ansvar, beskæftiger psykisk sårbare, og har en historie med at udvikle sig fra et kommunalt projekt til en virksomhed ejet af lokale aktører og Den Sociale Kapitalfond.Bornholms Mosteri produces organic juice and cider, creates jobs for socially vulnerable people, and focuses on the natural taste and quality of ingredients without additives. Their products are organically certified and widely distributed in the Nordic countries. The company has a social responsibility, employs mentally vulnerable individuals, and has evolved from a municipal project into a business owned by local actors and the Social Capital Fund.
Blue Ocean Robotics
At Blue Ocean Robotics we develop, produce and sell professional service robots primarily in healthcare, hospitality, construction and agriculture. We develop robots from problem, idea and design to development, commercialization, and all the way to exit. Each robot brand is set up in its own subsidiary- venture company focused on commercialization, global distribution and growth. Blue Ocean Robotics is the first in the world of its kind - a Robot Venture Factory. 科学Boye Inventar ApS
Boye Inventar er en moderne snedkervirksomhed i Langå, der fremstiller specialdesignede og kundetilpassede produkter til detail- og byggebranchen. De fokuserer på at minimere omkostningerne for deres kunder ved at producere og levere delkomponenter hurtigt, effektivt og i høj kvalitet.Boye Inventar is a modern carpentry company located in Langå, specializing in custom-designed and customer-specific products for the retail and construction industries. They aim to reduce costs for their clients by quickly, efficiently, and high-quality producing and delivering component parts.
Founded in 2011, Brainreader is a medical device creator and service company at the forefront of the emerging field of brain volumetrics.The company’s flagship Neuroreader® is a software assessment tool with an FDA-clearance that facilitates prompt and accurate brain volume assessment. 科学
Breeders of Denmark A/S
Breeders of Denmark A/S, established for over 20 years, is a leader in the Danish pig breeding industry. With subsidiaries in Germany, France, Poland, and Ukraine, they are renowned for providing top genetics from Danish Pig Genetics P/S. Their services cater to both slaughterpig and sow producers, offering high-performance breeding pigs renowned for their robustness and efficiency. Their commitment to enhancing genetic value and ensuring safe transport highlights their dedication to quality and innovation in pig farming.农业
Brother, Brother & Sons ApS
Brother, Brother & Sons ApS, based in Copenhagen, Denmark, is a prominent international manufacturer and developer of high-end, award-winning LED lighting. Their product range includes innovative technologies such as Remote Phosphor Technology, Area 48 Color, CBL, CFL, and Reflect Bi-Color. The company is recognized for its expertise in creating advanced lighting solutions, catering to the needs of various industries including studio, architectural, and film lighting.制造