Product Configurator: Advanced Use Cases
Расположение: Aula Magna / Théâtre - 02.10.2019, 12:30 - 02.10.2019, 12:50 (Europe/Brussels) (20 минут)
Product Configurator: Advanced Use Cases
Antoine Sencie, Business Analyst - Odoo
Business Analyst at Odoo
Antoine Sencie, Business Analyst - Odoo
Business Analyst at Odoo

Retailers of furniture, clothes, cars or electronic devices are all facing the same challenge: to provide as many combinations for their products as possible to meet the market demand.
Providing an easy way for customers to select the item they are looking for through e-commerce is a must-have, but what about the comfort of the salesperson when it comes to quickly creating a quotation? What about the integration with other modules such as manufacturing?
During this talk, you will discover how to easily integrate the variants in your daily operations to provide high flexibility and usability to all your employees.