Luxury Carts Arabia General Trading

Luxury Carts Arabia General Trading

Industry: Luxury cars

Services: Selling and leasing luxury cars

Luxury Carts Group UAE is a business focused on the purchase, leasing, and upkeep of high-end motorized and golf carts. They wanted a way to optimize their performance because management was not easy when they needed to use multiple programs and platforms. To solve their problem, they needed a centralized ERP system so their staff can access live data and manage contracts and invoices. Thus, we tailored the documents module in Odoo to help them creating, monitoring, and managing documents.

Additionally, the ERP solution enabled Luxury Carts Group UAE to acquire a centralized picture of its operations while automating many of its manual processes. The inventory management, sales management, and financial management capabilities of Odoo allowed them to effectively handle their orders, measure their financial performance, and acquire insightful information about their operations.

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