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1 Odpowiedz
464 Widoki


I have set our logo under company -> configure document layout -> company logo. 

The colors are extracted and also used. But the logo is not displayed. 

What am I doing wrong? 

(In the preview windows, it is displayed. But if i click on "download pdf preview" its nocht displayed)


Check wkhtmltopdf version and its compatibility with Odoo version you are using. Also check:


Thx @Arian.
It is a fresh installation. No other modules are installed. I assume, that the correct wkhtmltopdf is the correct one?

Best Answer


This is the issue may be causing due to the wkhtmltopdf package issue. Please uninstall you current wkhtmltopdf package and install it again. You can use the below code
sudo wget
sudo dpkg -i wkhtmltox_0.12.5-1.bionic_amd64.deb
sudo apt install -f

And also check the report URL sPlease verify that all the URLs in the system parameter is same as your URL Settings -> Technical -> parameters -> system parameters

On searching URL you can see the below options. verify the URLs are same as your URL

Hope it helps
