Lenovo PCCW Solutions Limited

Lenovo PCCW Solutions Limited

电讯盈科有限公司成立于2000年,是中国香港最大的电讯公司, 也是亚洲主要综合通信服务公司。其数码宽频网络覆盖范围最广,接通了本港大部分家庭。此业务单位专责提供包括本地电话、本地数据、国际电信、呼叫中心、业务谘询及客户器材销售等不同种类的服务。

Lenovo PCCW Solutions Limited was established in 2000 and is the largest telecommunications company in Hong Kong, China. It is also a major integrated communication service company in Asia. Its digital broadband network has the widest coverage, connecting most households in Hong Kong. This business unit is responsible for providing various types of services, including local telephone, local data, international telecommunications, call centers, business consulting, and customer equipment sales.