Scrap Orders
In this video, learn about how to use scrap orders in Odoo to keep track of costs!
0:00 - Intro
0:35 - Accounting Setup
1:22 - Inventory app Settings
3:09 - Scrap during Receipts
3:51 - Overview of all Scrap Orders/viewing methods
5:01 - Scrap Directly from MO
6:24 - Cost Analysis & Accounting Journal Entries
7:43 - Conclusion
What is the status of a manufacturing order AFTER a component has been scrapped, but BEFORE it has been replenished?
How do you scrap a finished product from an MO?
Before closing the MO, click the “Scrap” button, and select the finished product in the “Product” field on the pop-up window
Close the MO, click the “Scrap” button, and select the finished product in the “Product” field on the pop-up window
Finished products can only be scrapped from the Inventory app
Finished products cannot be scrapped
What kind of order is created when a component is scrapped, while using two or three-step manufacturing?