وُلِد مركز العيسري في عام ٢٠٠٦م ، وقد حدد المؤسسون اختصاصه من أول يوم بأنه يتمحض لخدمة الأطفال من لحظة الميلاد إلى سن 12 عاما؛ فيقدم لهم كل ما ينميهم ويطور قدراتهم في جوانب العبادة والعلم واللعب والنوم، وبما يهيئهم للعمل مستقبلا، مهما تغير سوق الوظائف والمهن..إن النظرة الشــــاملة والمتزنة لاحتياجات الطفل ورغباته كانت أبرز مـيـزة تنافسيـة لمـركز العيسري؛ فقد ابتكر مؤسس المركــز نظرية #خماسية_السكينة : عبادة – علم – عمل – لعب – نوم ،ثم تحولت النظرية إلى مناهج تعليمية وكتب ومجلات وألعاب وخدمات وسلع، وكلها مصطبغة بصبغة خماسية السكينة؛ بحيث لا يطغى مفهوم من الخماسية على بقية المفاهيم، كما لا يغيب أي مفهوم من المفاهيم الخمسة..
Polyglot Institute Oman LLC
Polyglot Institute was established in 1975 and is considered to be one of the oldest and largest general training institutes in the region. The institute is currently located in multiple locations in Muscat and recently expanded to other governents in Oman, with the intention to go to other governorates in Oman and some international branches too. Polyglot Institute covers a wide range of training programmes such as Languages and teacher training, IT studies, University studies, career development program, etc. IstruzioneUniversity of Buraimi
The University of Buraimi was established in 2010 and is a private investment of Buraimi Educational Services Company (SAOC), operating under the supervision of the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation (MoHERI). UOB is committed to providing quality education ensuring its students will enrich the workforce of the Sultanate of Oman, the region and the global markets. Istruzioneعمار الحسني الجمعية العمانية للعناية بالقرآن الكريم
The OMAN ASSOCIATION OF HOLY QURAN CARE is a non-profit organization established in 1473 AH - 2016 AD. The vision of the association is leadership in teaching and memorizing the Qur’an for all segments of society. It has a legal personality and its head office is in the Governorate of Muscat, and it may establish branches for the governorates of the Sultanate after the approval of the Ministry. A decision by the Society’s board of directors may establish centers throughout the Sultanate in accordance with the provisions of the Law of NGOs and this system.