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安达康股份有限公司 IC Intracom

安达康股份有限公司 IC Intracom

安达康股份有限公司(安达康-IC Intracom)(以太联 Intellinet)1987年于德国成立,以制造和分销高质量、创新网络和消费电子产品。以太联Intellinet产品行销全球100多个国家/地区的70.000多家公司,且由欧美亚三大洲分各公司提供在地服务。与安达康合作,提供实现企业梦想和经济支柱的解决方案, 安达康的网络产品主要支持以下垂直行业:安全系统、影音通讯、电力设备、数据通信、电话通讯。

IC Intracom was founded in 1987 in Germany to manufacture and distribute high quality, innovative networking and consumer electronics products. Intellinet products are sold to over 70.000 companies in more than 100 countries worldwide and are serviced locally by companies in Europe, America and Asia. By partnering with Antacom, we offer solutions that make your business dreams and economic pillars come true. Antacom's networking products support the following verticals: security systems, audio-visual communications, power equipment, data communications, telephone communications.