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From Idea to Online Store: Starting Your Business with Odoo eCommerce
Lokasi: Second Floor - Hall 1 - 23/08/24 10.00 - 23/08/24 10.30 (US/Eastern) (30 menit)
From Idea to Online Store: Starting Your Business with Odoo eCommerce
Ryan Kennedy (ryke)
Technical Support Specialist pada Odoo Inc.
Ryan Kennedy (ryke)
Technical Support Specialist pada Odoo Inc.

My goal for this talk at Odoo Day is to show the simplicity and efficiency of starting an eCommerce business with Odoo. Having run multiple eCommerce sites before, I aim to show how Odoo is the best value for your money, and how easily Odoo generates a professional website. It will also showcase how One Website order translates across all the important Odoo Apps.