ASCO® Group
Advanced Scientific Company (ASCO) provides instruments, consumables, kits, reagents, training, support, and maintenance. We represent companies like Promega, Cepheid, Sacace, Roche Diagnostics. ASCO has accomplished many medical projects through the past years, the long term strategy of the company is to provide a self contained and sustained medical projects, Although the scope of each project has varied, one common attribute has made ASCO team the best in the business, namely superior quality and proficiency in execution. Kesehatan/SosialAl Itkan Company
ALITKAN is the exclusive business partner of SIEMENS Healthineers, VARIAN, IBA, KARLSTORZ, GETINGE, MINDRAY and ENRAF NONIUS in IRAQ. ALITKAN is also an agent of many other medical equipment and devices in Iraq. The experience of many decades combined with daily passion has enabled us to provide specialist healthcare solutions to our clients which not only meet but exceed their expectations, needs and requirements. Kesehatan/SosialAl Manara
ALMANARA alzarqaa is registered as scientific bureau as trusted and favorite supplier of medical equipment in Iraq for both private and public sectors with professional team of (sales,engineers , finance , delivers ,…… )Our mission
Provide the best and more effective healthcare products for customers and more satisfactory for shareholders and company team.
Our vision
To become best and biggest supplier of healthcare products in Iraq with innovative and smart solutions.
We provide our service and sales for all Iraq by our branches in ( Kurdistan , Baghdad and Basrah ) and by our representatives in all main Iraqi cities .
Al-Massala International
كلمة المدير المفوضتتشرف شركة المسلة الدولية بأن ترحب بالسادة الزوار والعملاء. نحيكم بتحية ملؤها المودّة والاحترام، ونرحّب بكم في موقعنا الالكتروني الذي صُمم لزيادة تواصلنا مع المتعاملين معنا ومع جميع من يهمهم أمرنا.. نعلم جميعا أن النجاح يولّد النجاح؛ ونجاحنا يمثل قوةً دافعةً وراء سعينا الدؤوب لتوسيع أنشطتنا محليًا وعالميًا، وتتويجًا لمسيرتنا العملية من الممارسة والعطاء وخبرة تجاوزت 25 عامًا من العمل الجاد والمتواصل تحققت خلالها الكثير من الإنجازات والنجاحات، لقد ظلت شركتنا منذ وحتى هذه اللحظة ملتزمة دوماً بتنفيذ وإتمام كافة الأعمال الموكلة لها من كافة العملاء وذلك عبر إتباع إستراتيجية طموحة ارتكزت على أسس عدة تمثلت في بناء هيكل تنظيمي قوي وفعال وإتباع أحدث الوسائل العلمية في مجال تقديم كافة الخدمات القانونية والإدارية التي تتعلق بإدارة المشاريع التجارية والسكنية والصناعية بأعلى المعايير. كما ارتكزت أيضاً على التطوير المستمر للخدمات التي تقديمها عبر تاريخها الحافل بالنجاحات المستمرة. لذا مع اجتماع تلك العناصر والتي قلما تتوفر في العديد من الشركات استطعنا فرض اسلوبنا المتميز في هذا المجال فنحن دائما ما نعارض المقولة التي تقول بأن ارضاء العميل غاية لا تدرك. ولكن مع المسلة الدولية فإننا نؤمن بأن إرضاء عملائنا غاية أدركناه. مما جعل شركة المسلة الدولية ان تحتل مكانة خير وكيل لخير موكل.
وفى الختام أتقدم بخالص الشكر والتقدير لكافة العاملين بالشركة من محامين وخبراء دوليين ومحلين ومستشارين ومحاسبين وفنيين وكل من ساهم في إنجاح هذه الشركة. وأدعو الله تعالي أن يديم علينا فضله وتوفيقه ويكلل كافة جهودنا بالنجاح المستمر.
المدير المفوض
الدكتور ماجد الربيعي
Al-Raya Lab
شركة الراية الذهبية / مختبرات النخبة للتحليلات الطبيةشركة الراية الذهبية - لتجهيز كافة المستلزمات الطبية وتعتبر من اوائل الشركات المميزة في العراق لديها خبرة لسنوات عديدة في هذا المجال.
مختبرات النخبة تعمل على ضمان صحتك - ملايين النتائج الدقيقة .. الاف المراجعين .. مئات الكوادر .. عشرات الاجهزة .. 10 فروع والأسم واحد ( النخبة Kesehatan/Sosial
Al-SHIFA Scientific Drug Bureau
ALSHIFA Scientific Drug Bureau is a leading pharmaceutical distributor that registers, imports, promotes, and sells medicines across Iraq, contributing to the nation’s recovery and development. The bureau has a rich and generous history as it was officially registered at the Ministry of Health in 1998 and has long since served both, the public and private pharmaceutical sectors. Kesehatan/SosialAl-Sara Scientific Drug Bureau
Al-Sara Pharma is a company that provides comprehensive solutions in the field of pharmaceuticals and medical equipment.Al-Sara Pharma primary focus is to support the Iraqi healthcare sector, where a private and tender market tailor-made business model has evolved to achieve successful results.
Our company is fully focused on developing its core competency of establishing a wide network of relations with the local wholesalers and public entities to feel the real market needs and reach to every single potential customer. Al-Sara is dynamic, flexible and progressive company offering products and services supplied by reputable and internationally recognized manufacturing firms. Kesehatan/Sosial
Baslan General Medical Ltd
Baslan is a privately-owned company, established in 2010 as a pioneering company in the field of medical solutions. Our visionIs to provide high quality products that will create the most suitable conditions for patients as well as a proper working environment for clinician and hospital staff. Kesehatan/Sosial
Baslan General Medical Ltd, Baslan Company
Baslan is a privately-owned company, established in 2010 as a pioneering company in the field of medical solutions. Our vision Is to provide high quality products that will create the most suitable conditions for patients as well as a proper working environment for clinician and hospital staff. Kesehatan/SosialDahatu Pharmacy Chain
Dahatu Chain Pharmacies, based in Erbil, is a leading pharmaceutical chain offering a wide range of healthcare services. With a vast medical storehouse, modern health centers, and a network of pharmacies, they are committed to enhancing healthcare accessibility. Their services include health diagnostics, medical tests, and the supply of medications and supplements. Dedicated to promoting well-being and quality of life, they are expanding their reach while upholding our core values of integrity and excellence. Kesehatan/SosialEmpowerment Organization for Development and Public Services
Empowerment Organization for Development and Public Services is a non-governmental organization registered by the Iraqi General Secretariat for the council of ministers.Since 2019, Empowerment Organization has been operating in Iraq implementing humanitarian development programing, emergency response campaigns and humanitarian aid Kesehatan/Sosial
Jenna Scientific Bureau
Jenna Scientific BureauWe are an Iraqi managed company focusing on the developing and building Health Care System in our community. Working with the highest levels of distributors alike, we aim to not only expand our business scale and scope but also have a special interest in serving the needs of the end consumer that requires our products the most.
Jenna Scientific Drug Bureau is aggressively expanding with an intent to increase our product lines exponentially. We are always open to new ideas and opportunities. Business relationships with pharmaceutical and medical manufacturers are continually sought after and welcomed.
Levant Medical Group
Industry: HealthcareSector: Medical Equipment Distribution
Levant Medical Group is a major player in the Lebanese healthcare sector, serving as the sole distributor of generic healthcare diagnostic imaging, ultrasound, and healthcare IT digital solutions in Lebanon. With their expansion into Iraq, Levant Medical Group needed an ERP solution to manage all branches and align workflows across different locations from a single platform, covering financial, medical engineering and field service, inventory, procurement, CRM, and HR operations. Azkatech, Odoo Partner, customized an Odoo ERP solution that streamlined all their operations. The implementation included a customized CRM and Sales solution to manage upcoming leads, automatically open field service tickets, and handle customer information. An integrated inventory module was designed to manage multiple locations and warehouses in conjunction with field service. The accounting module replaced their old system, enabling streamlined management of financial operations. The HR suite was tailored to manage all related processes, including salary structures mapped to legal requirements, multi-salary structures, and multi-company capabilities. It also featured a user-friendly payslip generation fully integrated with their punching machine. This comprehensive solution allowed Levant Medical to efficiently manage their expanding operations and ensure seamless workflow integration across all branches. Kesehatan/Sosial