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Contactez un Partenaire en Arabie Saoudite

Abdulrahman Ibn Itab
23445 Jeddah
Arabie Saoudite
+966 54 004 2348


iMaxem is a creative and professional company eager to implement the most innovative and interactive techniques into any project. iMaxem is a group of talented people (Technically and Functionally) in Digital Transformation for any business sectors, using different IT services and different interactive solutions. They have many successful stories in business digital transformation and automation in many countries inside and outside the middle east.

iMaxem is awarded as one of the most 10 effective companies could make difference with their clients in 2021 as per CIO Views Magazine.


iMaxem is a creative and professional company eager to implement the most innovative and interactive techniques into any project.
Awarded as one of the most 10 effective companies could make difference with their clients in 2021.