Odoo Experience 2018
How to Manage Litigation in Odoo
Ubicación: Bruyères - 3/10/18 17:00 - 3/10/18 17:20 (Europe/Brussels) (20 minutos)
How to Manage Litigation in Odoo
Pascale Woodruff
Business Analyst & Project Manager en BHC
Pascale Woodruff
Business Analyst & Project Manager en BHC

Odoo Developer, BHC, still to be chosen

This talk will be of interest to both Odoo users and prospects, as it will show how to properly follow different litigations in Odoo, using Enterprise version 11.

In Odoo, you can set up different levels of follow-ups on your customer invoices, but in some cases when you've reached the last level, the only option is to send the case to your lawyer or collection company. When managing a company there are also other types of litigations that may arise, for example with your suppliers, employees, the administration, etc., which Odoo is also able to manage. 

During this presentation you'll learn how this new module can enhance the basic follow-up flow in Odoo, and let you manage your Odoo activities to efficiently follow your different litigation steps.