Odoo Experience 2016
Stetho: Electronic Medical Record and Belgian medical invoicing solution
Ubicación: Lightning Session / Congrès - 6/10/16 12:30 - 6/10/16 12:40 (Europe/Brussels) (10 minutos)
Stetho: Electronic Medical Record and Belgian medical invoicing solution
Christophe Hanon
Christophe Hanon

Christophe Hanon is the founder and owner of ADINS sprl, a software consulting firm started in 1995. ADINS has been working with ODOO since 2009. Christophe has implemented ODOO customized solutions in various enterprise fields: finance, sales, stock management and manufacturing. ADINS has also developed various tools for medical software in the field of neurology. Three years ago we started the porting of our Electronic Medical Record application to ODOO.

In this session we will present an overview of the functionalities of Stetho, a complete Electronic Medical Record solution built on ODOO 9, targeting small to medium size medical center or departmental usage. While some features are global, Stetho's focus is on the Belgian medical market. The presentation covers the functionality of our eID (Belgium identity card) reader, drugs database and prescription editor.

Finally, we will present our solution for Belgian medical invoicing. Stetho features its own TARFAC reference database, and pricing / invoicing engine generating invoices to social security insurances. Thanks to this and ODOO enterprise features we provide a unique integration of Electronic Medical Record and enterprise accounting.