Shop Floor time tracking

By signing in to the Odoo Shop Floor module as operators, employees are able to track the amount of time they spend working on each work order.

Odoo tracks the time it takes to complete each work order, as well as the time each operator spends on each work order.

Operator sign in

To sign in to the Shop Floor module as an operator, sign in to the Odoo database, and open the Shop Floor module. The employee profile that is signed in to the database is automatically signed in as an operator.

All active operators are listed in the operator panel on the left side of the module. The panel can be opened or collapsed by clicking the show/hide panel (white square with black column on left side) button, located in the top-left corner of the module.

The operator panel in the Shop Floor module, with the show/hide panel button above it.

To sign in to Shop Floor as a different employee, click the + Add Operator button at the bottom of the panel. Doing so opens the Select Employee pop-up window, which lists every employee that is able to sign in to the module.

Click on a specific employee to sign in using their profile. If no PIN code is required to sign in as that employee, the profile will be signed in automatically.

If a PIN code is required, a Password? pop-up window appears, showing a number pad, from which the code can be entered. Enter the code using the number pad, and click Confirm to sign in to the Shop Floor module.

The "Password?" pop-up window, which is used to enter an operator PIN code.


A PIN code can be set for each employee, which must be entered each time they sign in to the Shop Floor module, check in or out in the Kiosk Mode of the Attendances application, or sign in as a cashier in the Point of Sale application.

To set an employee PIN, navigate to the Employees app, and select a specific employee. At the bottom of the employee’s form, click on the HR Settings tab, and enter a numerical code in the PIN Code field.

Once an employee is signed in to the module, their name appears in the operator panel, along with every other employee that has signed in. While the panel can list multiple employees, only one employee can be active at any given time, on a single instance of the Shop Floor module.

Click on an employee’s name to make their profile active. The active employee appears highlighted in blue, while employees that are signed in, but not active, have their names faded out.

To sign out a specific employee from the module, click the X (remove) button next to their name, in the operator panel.

Track work order duration

To track time spent working on a work order, begin by selecting the employee working on it from the operator panel.

Next, navigate to the page for the work center where the work order is scheduled to be carried out. This can be done by selecting the work center from the top navigation in the Shop Floor module, or by clicking the name of the work center on the card for the manufacturing order (MO) that the work order is a part of.

On the page for the work center, find the card for the work order. Once work begins, click the header of the work order card to start timing the duration it takes to complete. This duration is displayed by a timer on the header of the work order card, which tracks the collective time spent working on the work order, by all employees.

A work order card with an active timer.

In addition, the reference number of the work order appears in the operator panel, under the name of the employee working on it, along with a second timer, which tracks the amount of time the employee has spent on the work order individually. This timer only reflects work done during the current session, even if the employee has previously worked on the work order.

Employees are able to work on multiple work orders simultaneously, and track their time for each. The reference number for each work order being worked on appears below the employee’s name, along with a timer.

An employee card in the operator panel, showing two work order timers.

To pause the timer on the work order card, and remove the work order from below the employee’s name on the operator panel, click the header a second time.

Once the work order is completed, click the Mark as Done button at the bottom of the work order card, which causes the card to fade away. If the timer is still active, it stops once the card disappears completely.

View work order duration

To view the duration of a work order, navigate to Manufacturing app ‣ Operations ‣ Manufacturing Orders, and select an MO.

To view and select MOs that have been completed and marked as Done, remove the To Do filter from the Search… bar, by clicking on the X (close) button on the right side of the filter.

On the page for the MO, click on the Work Orders tab to see a list of all work orders included in the MO. The time it took to complete each work order is displayed in the Real Duration column of the tab.

The Real Duration represents the total time spent working on the work order by all workers who worked on it. It includes time tracked in the Shop Floor module, as well as time tracked on the Work Orders tab of the MO itself.