
This document outlines all of the configurations and settings for the Fleet application, including settings, manufacturers, vehicle models, and model categories.


To access the settings menu, go to Fleet application ‣ Configuration ‣ Settings. There are only two settings that need configuration, the vehicle contract end date alert delay, and a new vehicle request limit.

Configurações disponíveis para o aplicativo Frota.

Alerta de data final do contrato

The End Date Contract Alert field defines an alert delay for the persons responsible for vehicle contracts. The responsible person(s) will receive an email informing them a vehicle contract is about to expire in the number of days defined in this field.


To determine who the responsible person is for a contract, open an individual contract. The person listed as Responsible under the Contract Information section of the contract is the person who will receive the alert.

Para acessar todos os contratos, navegue até app Frota ‣ Frota ‣ Contratos e todos os contratos aparecerão na lista. Clique em um Contrato para visualizá-lo.

An individual contract can also be found by navigating to Fleet app ‣ Fleet ‣ Fleet and clicking on an individual vehicle. On the vehicle form, click the Contracts smart button at the top of the page. The contract(s) associated with this vehicle only appears in the list. Click on an individual contract to open it. The Responsible person is listed on the contract.

New Vehicle Request

The New Vehicle Request field sets a limit on how many new vehicles are requested based on fleet availability. An employee filling out the salary configurator form (after being offered a position), will not be able to request a new car if the number of existing cars is greater than the number specified in the New Vehicle Request field. Enter the specific number limit for existing available cars in this field.


Se o limite em Nova solicitação de veículo for definido como 20 veículos e houver 25 veículos disponíveis, um funcionário não poderá solicitar veículos. Se houver apenas 10 carros disponíveis, o funcionário poderá solicitar veículos.


Odoo Fleet comes pre-configured with sixty-six commonly used car and bicycle manufacturers in the database, along with their logos. To view the pre-loaded manufacturers, go to Fleet app ‣ Configuration ‣ Manufacturers.

The manufacturers appear in a list view in alphabetical order. Each manufacturer’s card lists how many specific models are configured for each particular manufacturer. Odoo comes with forty six pre-configured models from four major auto manufacturers and one major bicycle manufacturer: Audi, BMW, Mercedes, Opel (cars), and Eddy Merckx (bicycle).

Cartão de fabricante com a quantidade de modelos listados.

Adicionar um fabricante

To add a new manufacturer to the database, click Create. A manufacturer form will load. Only two pieces of information are needed, the Name of the manufacturer, and the logo. Type the name of the manufacturer in the name field, and select an image to upload for the logo. When the information is entered, click Save.

Modelos de veículos

Many manufacturers have a variety of models that they produce. When adding a vehicle to the fleet, it is important to specify the vehicle model being added. Odoo comes with pre-configured car models from four major auto manufacturers, and one pre-configured bicycle model from one bicycle manufacturer: Audi, BMW, Mercedes, Opel (cars), and Eddy Merckx (bicycle). If a vehicle other than the pre-configured models from these manufacturers are part of a fleet, the model (and/or manufacturer) needs to be added to the database.

Preconfigured Models

The following models are pre-loaded in Odoo and do not need to be added to the database:



Eddy Merckx




Série 1


Classe A



Série 3

Classe B



Série 5

Classe C



Série 6

Classe CL



Série 7

Classe CLS



Série Híbrido

Classe E

Combo Tour


Série M

Classe GL


3º trim.

Série X

Classe GLK



Série Z4

Classe M



Classe R



Classe S


Classe SLK

Zafira Tourer

Classe SLS

Adicionar um novo modelo

New vehicle models can easily be added to the database. To add a new model, navigate to Fleet app ‣ Configuration ‣ Vehicle Models. Click Create and a vehicle model form will load. Enter the following information on the form, then click Save. Be advised, some fields are specific to Belgian based companies, so not all fields or sections may be visible depending on the location of the company.

  • Nome do modelo: digite o nome do modelo no campo.

  • Manufacturer: select the manufacturer from the drop-down menu. If the manufacturer is not configured, type in the manufacturer and then click Create or Create & Edit.

  • Vehicle Type: select one of two preconfigured vehicle types, either Car or Bike, from the drop-down menu. The vehicle types are hardcoded in Odoo and are integrated with the Payroll application since vehicles can be part of an employee’s benefits. Adding additional vehicle types is not possible as it will affect payroll.

  • Category: select the category the vehicle is categorized under from the drop-down menu. To create a new category, type in the category and then click Create (new category).


When the manufacturer is selected, the logo for the manufacturer will automatically load in the image box in the top right corner.

Aba Informações

  • Número de assentos: insira quantos passageiros o veículo pode acomodar.

  • Número de portas: insira o número de portas que o veículo tem.

  • Cor: insira a cor do veículo.

  • Ano do modelo: insira o ano em que o veículo foi fabricado.

  • Engate de reboque: marque essa caixa se o veículo tiver um engate de reboque instalado.



A seção Salário aparece apenas para empresas sediadas na Bélgica e somente se a empresa tiver sua configuração de localização definida como Bélgica. Os valores de custo são todos mensais, com exceção do Valor de compra (com impostos).

  • Can be requested: check this box if employees can request this model vehicle.

  • Valor de compra (com impostos): insira o Preço sugerido pelo fabricante para o veículo no momento da compra ou do aluguel.

  • Taxa de C02: esse valor é calculado automaticamente com base nas leis e regulamentações da Bélgica e não pode ser modificado. O valor é baseado no valor inserido no campo Emissões de CO2 na seção Motor do formulário do veículo.


Modifying the CO2 Emissions field will adjust the value in the CO2 fee field.

  • Cost (Depreciated): enter the monthly cost for the vehicle, which appears in the salary configurator that is available to a future employee when they are offered a job position. This value impacts the gross and net salary of the employee who is assigned to the vehicle. This figure is depreciated over time according to local tax laws. The Cost (Depreciated) does not depreciate automatically on the vehicle model, it only depreciates based on the contract linked to a specific vehicle and not on the general model.

  • Total Cost (Depreciated): this value is the Cost (Depreciated) and the C02 fee fields combined, and also is depreciated over time.

  • Fuel Type: select the type of fuel the vehicle uses form the drop-down menu. The options are Diesel, Gasoline, Hybrid Diesel, Hybrid Gasoline, Plug-in Hybrid Diesel, Plug-in Hybrid Gasoline, CNG, LPG, Hydrogen, or Electric.

  • Emissões CO2: insira a média de emissões de dióxido de carbono que o veículo produz em gramas por quilômetro (g/km). Essa informação é fornecida pelo fabricante do carro.

  • Padrão de CO2: insira a quantidade padrão de dióxido de carbono em gramas por quilômetro (g/km) para um veículo de tamanho semelhante.

  • Transmissão: selecione o tipo de transmissão no menu suspenso, seja Manual ou Automático.

  • Potência: se o veículo for elétrico ou híbrido, insira a potência que o veículo usa em quilowatts (kW).

  • Potência: digite a potência do veículo nesse campo.

  • Tributação de potência: insira o valor que é tributado com base no tamanho do motor do veículo. Isso é determinado por impostos e regulamentações locais e varia de acordo com o local. Recomenda-se verificar com o departamento de contabilidade para garantir que esse valor esteja correto.

  • Dedução de impostos: esse campo é preenchido automaticamente de acordo com as especificações do motor e não pode ser modificado. A porcentagem é baseada nas configurações de localização e nas leis tributárias locais.

Aba Fornecedores

Vehicle specific vendors, such as car dealerships, are not listed separately from other vendors. The vendors that a vehicle can be purchased from also appear in the list of vendors used by the Purchase app.

The vendor(s) the vehicle can be purchased from may be added in this tab. To add a vendor, click Add, and a pop-up loads with a list of all the vendors currently in the database. Select the vendor to add by clicking the checkbox next to the vendor name, then click Select. There is no limit to the number of vendors that can be added to this list.

If a vendor is not in the database, add a vendor by clicking Create. A vendor form will load. Enter the information in the vendor tab, then click Save & Close to add the vendor and close the window, or Save & New to add the current vendor and create another new vendor.

Formulário do fornecedor a ser preenchido ao adicionar um novo fornecedor.

Categoria do modelo

To best organize a fleet, it is recommended to have vehicle models housed under a specific category, to more easily see what kinds of vehicles are in the fleet. Model categories are set on the vehicle model form.

To view all the models currently set up, navigate to Fleet application ‣ Configuration ‣ Model Category. All models are displayed in a list view.

Add a new model category

To add a new category, click Create. A new entry line appears at the bottom of the list. Type in the new category, then click Save to save the entry.

To reorganize how the categories appear in the list, click on the up and down arrows to the left of the category to be moved, and drag the line to the desired position. The order of the list does not affect the database in any way. However, it may be preferable to view the vehicle categories in a specific order, for example, by size, or the numbers of passengers the vehicle can carry.

List view of the models in the fleet.

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