- Basics
- Unsplash
- Data Import
- How to adapt an import template
- How to import data into Odoo
- How to start
- How to adapt the template
- How to import from another application
- I cannot find the field I want to map my column to
- Where can I change the date import format?
- Can I import numbers with currency sign (e.g.: $32.00)?
- What can I do when the Import preview table isn’t displayed correctly?
- How can I change the CSV file format options when saving in my spreadsheet application?
- What’s the difference between Database ID and External ID?
- What can I do if I have multiple matches for a field?
- How can I import a many2many relationship field (e.g. a customer that has multiple tags)?
- How can I import a one2many relationship (e.g. several Order Lines of a Sales Order)?
- Can I import several times the same record?
- What happens if I do not provide a value for a specific field?
- How to export/import different tables from an SQL application to Odoo?
- Authentication
- Mobile