هي شركة عراقية ذات مسؤولية محدودة مقرها بغداد - الكرادة لديها عدة مخازن في مختلف المناطق وكذلك يتوفر لديها وكلاء في محافظات العراق بدأت الشركة العمل منذ تأسيسها عام 2020/1/26 بأعتبارها احدى شركات تسويق المنتجات الغذائية واللاغذائية وتميزت شركة افاق العامر للتجارة العامة على مستوى عال من خدمة القطاع الخاص والعملاء والدعم المقدم من قبل الشركة الى جميع الوكلاء والماركتات وبمساعدة من الموردين والشركاء من جميع انحاء العالم YapAl - Baraka International Investment Group
Al-Baraka International Group cover a wide range of activities of business in the area of Construction, Civil Engineering, Trading, Oil and Gas, Mechanical Industries, Investments, Tourism, Maritime and Project Management. Al-Baraka Int. Group has the financial capability and professional staff to execute excellent services to their customers. Al-Baraka maintains an excellent and professional rapport with its suppliers from the International community. We continue to look for partnerships with the International Community expertise to boost reconstruction and rehabilitation efforts in Iraq. YapAl-Tabe’a Al-Hadeeth Company for Contracting, Engineering Consultations and General Trade
شركة الطابع الحديث للمقاولات والاستشارات الهندسيةخدمات بمعايير عالمية مع دقة في العمل على يد أفضل واكفأ المهندسين ، نتميز بجودة الاعمال وسرعة التنفيذ ، لدى شركة الطابع الحديث للتطوير العقاري امكانيات لا محدودة في قسم التنفيذ ونتطلع دائماً لخلق بيئة مناسبة للعمل ونهتم بأدق التفاصيل الهندسية. Yap
Al-Usool Engineering Services Company and Trading Agencies Ltd.
High quality, reliability, international standards are not just words for us, they are our business model. We are “Al-Usool Engineering Services Company and Trading Agencies Ltd.” an official representative of many international and highly reputed brands. YapAltcom
Our company specializes in the construction and renovation of runways, roads, bridges, sports facilities, airfield and air terminal complexes, industrial and commercial facilities and residential buildings.Altcom has designed and constructed three airports, five first-class bridges across the Amu Darya River in Turkmenistan and a European-class stadium in Ukraine, constructed and renovated hundreds of
kilometers of roads and small bridges and erected several residential buildings. Currently, the company is constructing roads, airports and bridges in Iraq, Ukraine and Turkmenistan.
Our success is based on our vast experience, highly professional staff, one of the largest specialist equipment fleet, our own production facilities, high quality materials and advanced technologies Yap
Ard Zamzam Company
Fosroc is a leading international manufacturer and supplier of high performance chemicals for the construction industry, with a particular focus on concrete and cement. But we don’t just supply world-renowned products, we deliver complete construction solutions – from advice and training to site support. YapHappyland Company, Kanjan City
Happy land - KanjanHappy land company established since 2002 in Baghdad accordance with enforced Iraq laws, it consists of group of investment companies operating in several fields including tourism, agricultural, commercial and residential sector. Each company provides its activities according to its competent staff in order to provide the best quality which are the basis of the success of the company and its reputation in many existing projects that have satisfied our customers in the past seventeen years after extensive study of the reality of requirements and aspirations of Iraq citizens
Lake Coast Company
Lake coast company represents more than 15 years of experience, Innovation and experience in the construction industry, Providing advanced chemical solutions for new construction, Maintenance, repair and renovation of structures. Under the brand Master Builders Solutions We combine our wide range of existing brands, technologies and products, in addition to our experience in the global market, that we have gained in countless construction projects around the worldYap
Lorient is one of the companies that works in different fields of investment with the best modern building materials, modern style and the highest quality of the world brand. Our company's goal is to promote and provide a safe and modern life and provide the best services for the benefit of individuals and communities, while using earthquake resistance data to a greater extent than the area needs for the safety of individuals and society. YapNIM Construction, Energy, and External Trade
شركة نيم للإنشاءات والطاقه والتجارة الخارجية المحدوده تتشرف بتقديم هيكليتها لكم وتفصيل جميع نشاطاتها في مجال اعادة الاعمار والانشاء والتجهيز . شركتنا تأخذ على عاتقها تنفيذ مشاريع مختلفة بواسطة ملاكات هندسية متخصصة وعلى درجة عالية من الجودة وطبقاً للمواصفات الدولية . منذ يوم تأسيسها سنة ٢٠٠٨ حصلت الشركة على شهادات الايزو ISO ١٤٠٠١ – ٢٠٠٤ الخاص بنظام ادارة البيئة ) و (OHSAS ۱۸۰۰۱:۲۰۰۷ الخاص بنظام الصحة والسلامة المهنية ) و (ISO ٩٠٠١:٢٠٠٨ الخاص بنظام ادارة الجودة ) تتألف شركتنا من عدة اقسام منها التصميم والتنفيذ والاشراف والمتابعة وهي قادرة تنفيذ جميع الاعمال وفقا للمتطلبات القياسية وضمن الوقت المحدد وفي السنوات الاخيرة تخصصت شركتنا بأعمال الطرق والجسور YapNetgate
Net Gate
Net Gate is an Iraqi firm with 100% owned by Iraqi investors. It’s start from 2000 with small amount of business and start to grow up since the Iraqi business demand is increase, Net Gate was quick seize this lucrative opportunity to her position in the market and ready for the new challenge. We are proud of our longevity as a business and the good quality of services we offer.
Net Gate have a new vision of the future for all of us . In the future we all will be connected, wired and prosperous. Small and large businesses alike will attract and serve new customers from all over the world. The power of information will be available to all. This new vision requires a new kind of company. This company must combine world-class technology, experience and ability with true understanding and respect for the particular needs of individual customers.
Ozone Design Zone
Ozone is a professional company specializes in contracting, decoration and engineering designs. The company has proven managerial, technical and financial capabilities to end all projects assigned to it in a timely and effective and high quality. Starting from the detection on the site, work on design, supervisions and implementation, then handing the key of the location.Our works have been implemented for most professions and disciplines, and we are diligent in our working to achieve the best results desired to satisfy our clients.
Ozone Company is your best choice, because we believe that design is one of the languages of communication, and we have an incentive to participate in the concepts dialogue through designs that we offer, so we make innovative, ergonomic and environmentally friendly furniture and designs, to eliminate randomness and refine public taste, with specialized engineering staff capable of creating spaces suitable for the Iraqi environment, comfortable and responsive to the client’s requirements. Yap