RMCI Holding Co LTD

RMCI Holding Co LTD

About RMCI Group:

RMCI Group (established in 2009) is specialized in providing services to the African market with a great understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities that come with operating in this region. From establishing a new factory, to sourcing raw materials, and procurement of finished products, RMCI Group have the expertise and experience to help clients achieve their goals. In addition to the comprehensive services, RMCI offer an exclusive brand portfolio that is tailored to meet the specific needs of clients.



Operating in the diverse and complex market of Africa, RMCI Group faced significant operational hurdles, primarily in streamlining their processes across various departments. Managing a wide array of operations from manufacturing to sales, and dealing with intricate logistics and regulatory compliance, RMCI required a robust system that could integrate all these aspects seamlessly. The lack of a unified platform led to inefficiencies, data discrepancies, and delays in decision-making, affecting their overall market responsiveness and operational agility.



To address these challenges, Ever Business Solutions (EBS) implemented a comprehensive suite of Odoo modules tailored for RMCI Group. This implementation encompassed:


  1. Accounting and Accounting Certification by AGT in Angola: To ensure compliance with local financial regulations and streamline financial operations.
  2. Invoicing and Inventory (including purchasing): To manage sales transactions and maintain optimal levels of stock with efficient purchasing systems.
  3. Sales, POS, and E-Commerce: Integrating physical and online sales channels to provide a cohesive customer experience and expand market reach.
  4. Manufacturing, Planning, and Quality: To optimize production planning, maintain high-quality standards, and manage manufacturing processes effectively.
  5. Maintenance and After Sales: Ensuring durable support and maintenance which enhances customer satisfaction and product reliability.
  6. Employee and Contracts, Payroll, Attendance, Time Off, and Recruitment: To manage human resources effectively, from hiring through payroll to maintaining daily attendance and managing time off.


This strategic implementation not only enhanced operational efficiency across multiple departments but also improved regulatory compliance, data integrity, and decision-making speed. By leveraging Odoo's integrated ERP system, RMCI Group was able to achieve a more streamlined, responsive, and effective operational structure, thus solidifying their market position in the challenging African landscape.