Alamboga Internusa started its operations in 1990 as a family business with a vision to bring quality food & ingredients from Australia & New Zealand to Indonesia, with specific focus on Bali island. From 8 people and 2 refrigerated trucks, the company successfully grew to 120 employees and keeps growing further. Wholesale/RetailARISTA JAYA LESTARI
Perusahaan skala nasional yang mengawali bisnis dalam industri otomotif pada tahun 2003 sebagai dealer resmi kendaraan berbagai merk.- Klasifikasi Perusahaan: Distribusi, Servis.
- Lini Bisnis: Otomotif.
- Jumlah Karyawan: 300-500.
Tantangan: Mensinkronisasikan dengan 3rd party system, Business proses yang spesifik otomotif, menggantikan software dan kebiasan lama.
Solusi dari Falinwa: Kustomisasi modul untuk dapat disinkronisasikan secara real time dengan 3rd party system, kustomisasi modul untuk menyesuaikan dengan alur business process otomotif, metode implementasi yang unik untuk memastikan system dapat digunakan secara lancar oleh kantor pusat maupun ratusan cabang di seluruh Indonesia.
Australian Embassy Jakarta Commissary
The Australian Embassy represents the Australian Government in Indonesia. It is the largest of Australians overseas diplomatic missions. The embassy also provides consular services for Australians living in and travelling through Indonesia. The Australian Embassy is responsible for Australian passports, entry clearances and visas to enter Australia. They used Odoo apps to manage minimart and bookeeping. They implements ERP and Point Of Sales (POS) Modul, which consist of Accounting. Purchase, Sales, Invoice, Inventory and POS.Wholesale/Retail
Berkah Sukses Sejahtera
A business institution that is developing and engaged in retail. This institution has several business units, including those in the food sector such as Frozen Food, Cookies, Herbs, Private Lessons and Health Equipment. In the future, this institution will strive to meet the various needs of society in Indonesia.Sebuah Lembaga Bisnis yang sedang berkembang dan bergerak dibidang retail. Lembaga ini memiliki beberapa unit Usaha, diantaranya di bidang makanan seperti Frozen Food, Cookies, Herbal, Les Privat serta Alat-alat Kesehatan. Kedepannya, lembaga ini berusaha untuk memenuhi berbagai kebutuhan masyarakat di Indonesia.
Bima Indonesia Makmur Abadi
PT. Bima Indonesia Makmur Abadi merupakan distributor bahan bangunan terpercaya dan terbaik di area Latubo (Lamongan, Tuban, Bojonegoro). PT. Bima Indonesia Makmur Abadi menawarkan product berkualitas seperti semen bima, keramik mulia, galvalum (canal-c dan reng), mortar fascon, bata ringan fascon, dan kloset triliunware Wholesale/RetailBlue Fox International
Blue Fox International is a catalog distance selling company based in Indonesia. With 18 years of experience in the mail-order industry, they have successfully served millions of customers in seven countries, the majority of which are in Asia, including Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, the Philippines, and Taiwan. Blue Fox International plans to expand their market in Asia, Africa, and South America in order to further develop a profitable business model. Wholesale/RetailCATUR SENTOSA ADIPRANA Tbk
PT Catur Sentosa Adiprana Tbk is an Indonesia-based company, which is engaged in trading and retail of industrial goods, particularly building materials and consumer goods. The Company operates through five segments: Building Material Distribution, Chemical Distribution, Consumer Goods Distribution, Modern Retail of Building Material & Home Improvement (Mitra10), and Modern Retail of Home Furnishings (Atria). Wholesale/Retail