Agroamat SRL
ROCu un plan de afacere bine pus la punct, a luat naștere în anul 2015 compania AgroAMAT. Având o echipă formată din 25 de angajați, comercializăm o gamă variată de piese pentru utilaje agricole. În compania noastră este promovată o cultură organizațională puternică, valoarea fundamentală fiind orientată către client. Ceea ce ne defineste pe noi sunt profesionalismul, seriozitatea și punctualitatea.
Following a well thought business plan, the Company AgroAMAT was established in 2015. With a team of 25 employees, we comercialise o wide variety of spare parts for Agricultural machines. In our Company we promote a strong organizational culture, having the fundamental value directed towards the customer. We are defined by professionalism, seriousness and promptitude.
Booklet Srl
At Booklet we get ideas and try to bring them to life. Sometimes they come to us easily, like butterflies, other times we poke a lot until we come across something valuable, using all our resources as people passionate about reading, stories, mathematics, foreign languages, sciences. Until the book you hold in your hand or read on the screen of your mobile phone or laptop is a long way, but because we feed on so many fairy tales, we know that the road is always ahead, and the trials make us grow. 도매/소매CITY GARDEN DISTRIBUTION SRL
City Garden is specialized in the design, arrangement and maintenance of green space. It offers plants, pots, plant care products, garden tools and equipment.The brand is well known for over 20 years professionals in the field and those passionate about plants and gardening. The products can be bought directly from the online store or from the two physical locations. 도매/소매
The company was founded in 2003 having as main activity the import and distribution of consumables for copiers, printers and faxes, as well as equipment for lamination, filing and finishing documents.Concret Consult is Konica Minolta Elite Partner, Hewlett Packard Gold Partner, Katun Authorized Distributor (Katun's main distributor in Romania), Canon Accredited Partner,
Darcom Energy has been active in the field of renewable energy since 2008, offering design, sales, installation, repair and maintenance services of On-Grid, Off-Grid and Hybrid photovoltaic systems.As a full-service provider, Darcom Energy develops renewable energy projects that protect the environment and that effectively combine energy production with responsible landscape design.
Whether for industrial, institutional or partnership clients, Darcom Energy offers the best customized solutions - sizing and installing the most viable photovoltaic systems. 도매/소매
Dolcesalato Bistro Srl
A team of talented and passionate people who understood that they could give that warm and fuzzy feeling that melts a heart, but not our gelato. We left nothing to chance and we looked for genuine, quality ingredients that ensure full and sublime savor. We do not deviate from the philosophy del autentico gusto italiano. At Bianco Milano we are masters of dolce far bene. Capisci? 도매/소매HERUS ELECTRIC SRL
Herus Electric was established in 2009, with the main objective of distributing quality electrical materials. With a young, professional team with experience in the field of electrical installations, Herus Electric offers services at the highest quality standards.It provides a varied range of products that cover the needs of any project: protection tubes, metal gutters, cables and smart home solutions or lighting control in industrial buildings.
Life Style Design (LSD) General Contract S.R.L.
Part of LSD Group, Home Trading is a company with Romanian private capital, established in 2007, its main activity is the execution of civil and industrial constructions, business centers, villas, offices, showrooms and commercial stores, halls, plumbing, electrical, heating, air conditioning, ventilation, water supply, fire protection. 도매/소매Musette Exim SRL
Musette is one of the most important brands in the Romanian footwear and leather goods industry, with its own retail stores all over the world. Since 1992, Musette had an aspiration for excellence and soon became a valuable and respected company.Its mission is to explore the Romanian heritage, fusing history with modernity and targeting growth on the international market.
ROSuntem importator si distribuitor de surse si corpuri de liuminat pentru uz casnic si industrial.
Iluminat Casnic cum ar fi lustre, becuri, aplice si benzi led de interior si exterior.
Iluminat Gradina, lampi solare, lampi de perete pentru iluminat Ambiental.
Iluminat Industrial, proiectoare, lampi stradale, lampi led cu incarcare solara.
Iluminat Camping, proiectoare si lanterne cu incarcare solara, panouri solare pentru incarcare telefon sau alte aparate ce folosesc baterii.
We are importer and distributor of lighting sources and bodies for domestic and industrial use.
Home lighting such as chandeliers, light bulbs, sconces and indoor and outdoor LED strips.
Garden lighting, solar lamps, wall lamps for ambient lighting.
Industrial lighting, floodlights, street lamps, solar charged LED lamps.
Camping lighting, solar-powered projectors and flashlights, solar panels for telephone charging or other devices that use batteries.
The company Pro Trade Impex SRL was created in 2004 and since the beginning its main field of activity was the trade with heating, sanitary and ventilation equipment. The company is focused on consultancy on choosing the best solutions and customizing them for each of the customers and the permanent improvement of the supplier-beneficiary relationship. 도매/소매PTC ONLINE SRL
The vision of the PTC AUTO company: present in every car in Romania. The vision that we have assumed and adopted since we started in 2009 is to be present in every car in the country through the products we offer to our customers. And, from then until now, we have realized that although it is not easy, with each passing day we are closer to fulfilling our vision. And you, our customers, have helped us by recommendations and good words said to your relatives to always get closer to reaching our goal. Our mission is to find the best products in the segment to which we are dedicated and to offer them to you at the best quality-price ratio, so that your satisfaction is made to be complete. To achieve this, our colleagues are always engaged in finding solutions to offer you the best products and at the same time the best conditions for their purchase.Thus, PTC AUTO offers through the online store, the widest range of rubber car mats (presses), carpeted / velor car mats (presses), trunk trays and side panels, specially designed for each car in part. 도매/소매
In addition to its own stores, Romstal also operates a series of franchise units, representing an ideal mechanism for the company's expansion throughout Europe. As of 2022, Romstal boasted over 150 stores and franchises across 5 countries. Romstal's franchises enjoy numerous benefits from the parent company, along with a well-established mechanism to ensure their performance. Furthermore, the digitization with Odoo provides franchises with seamless integration with Romstal, as well as a significant improvement in operational processes. 도매/소매ROMSYSTEMS SRL
RO:Specializați fiind in echipamente de tipărire si consumabile, Printing Mall oferă atât servicii de vânzare cât și service pentru o gamă largă de imprimante, multifuncționale și copiatoare. Datorită serviciilor excelente oferite clienților și a bunei colaborări cu producătorii de-a lungul timpului, am reușit să devenim unul din jucătorii importanți în această piață.
Specialized in printing products and consumables, Printing Mall provides both sales and service for a broad range of printers and copiers. Due to the excellent services provided to clients and great collaboration with manufacturers over the years, we have managed to become one of the largest players in this market. 도매/소매
Ridacon Tex SRL
ROCu o istorie ce a început încă din anul 1994, Ciușnel Parts a străbătut un lung drum pentru a ajunge în forma actuală. O afacere dezvoltată de către două familii, ce s-a dovedit a fi un proiect de durată. Anul 2020, unul ce ne-a oferit timp pentru a evolua a fost urmat de lansarea unui magazin online, cu ajutorul căruia reușim să oferim produse și servicii de calitate dedicate domeniului agricol.
În prezent Ciușnel Parts înglobează:
O echipă profesionistă de consultanți și agenți de vânzări;
Un depozit cu o gamă diversificată de utilaje agricole și piese de schimb;
Un service dedicat reparațiilor utilajelor agricole.
With a history that began in 1994, Ciușnel Parts has come a long way to reach its current form. A business developed by two families turned out to be a long-term project. The year 2020, one that gave us time to evolve, was followed by the establishment of our online store, with the help of which we manage to offer quality products and services dedicated to the agricultural field.
Ciușnel Parts currently includes:
A professional team of consultants and sales agents ready;
A warehouse with a diverse range of agricultural machinery and spare parts;
A service dedicated to the repair of agricultural equipment. 도매/소매