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Digital Integrated Solution KSA

Digital Integrated Solution KSA

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لماذا الشركة السعودية للحلول الرقمية المتكاملة  DIS ?

our company ITSYS at Odoo Gold partners  +  Our company TDS at Odoo ERP Gold Partner  = DIS-sa corp. ( the Largest Odoo Partner in the Middle East ! )

 تجمع دي أي إس بين خبرات أفضل شركتين برمجيات رائدتين في الشرق الأوسط لتشكيل قوة تكنولوجية حقيقية في خدمات الجيل القادم، مع تخصص في أنظمة تخطيط موارد المؤسسات أودو  .

خبرة تتجاوز 30 عامًا في مجال البرمجيات ومع 15 عامًا متخصصة لنظام إدارة الموارد ، تأسست دي أي إس لتكون الشركة الرائدة في خدمات البرمجيات والاستشارات بالمملكة العربية السعودية

نستفيد في دي أي إس من القدرات التراكمية والسجل الحافل لشركاتنا المؤسسة لتقديم حلول فائقة الجودة، تشمل تنفيذ وتطبيقات المؤسسات المخصصة والاستشارات المتخصصة، مما يسمح لنا بتحسين منصات البرمجيات للمنظمات من جميع الأحجام.

What Makes DIS Special?

DIS brings together the expertise of two of the top leading software companies in the middle east to create a powerhouse for next-generation technology services, specializing in ERP services.

With over 30 years of experience in the software industry and a combined experience of 15 years dedicated to the ERP ecosystem, we formed DIS with a vision to be the premier software and services in Saudi Arabia

At DIS, we leverage the cumulative capabilities and proven track record of our founding companies to deliver best-in-class solutions, spanning Odoo implementation, custom enterprise apps, and specialized consulting, enabling us to optimize software platforms for organizations of all sizes.

120+ Employees and 10 Industry consultants


Contact us Now , we will send an ERP expert to your business at Saudi

أكثر من 170 شركة و  مؤسسة تعتمد على دي أي إس في إدارة التحول الرقمي 

المستشارين للاعمال و المشتشارين الفيين

إتصل بنا الآن ليصلك إحد خبرائنا في السعودية 

Our Solutions

Odoo ERP- Enterprise Resource Planning

In today's digital landscape, where change is the only constant, businesses face a critical choice: adapt or be left behind. At DIS, we empower businesses to thrive with Odoo ERP. Our dedication to success extends beyond mere software sales. We're not just ERP vendors – we're your trusted partner throughout every stage of your ERP journey, providing expert support from initial consultation to ongoing optimization. 

Digital Transformation

At DIS, we're more than just technology consultants, we're your transformation partners. We walk alongside you every step of the way, from crafting your vision to implementing game-changing solutions and navigating the complexities of change. 

Process Optimization and Agile Adoption

n today's dynamic business landscape, where agility is the new currency, we help organizations to stay competitive, respond effectively to market changes, and continuously improve their products and processes. At DIS, we're your Process Optimization and Agile Adoption for efficiency, innovation, and customer satisfaction. 


50 Degree
50 Degree is a Saudi Arabian food chain, they were challenged to maintain
operation balance while growing and adding more branches all over KSA.
OR KSA is a clothing retail franchise that operates in Saudi Arabia and is
affiliated with OR Egypt. With a specialization in clothing retail, OR KSA offers a
range of fashionable apparel to customers in Saudi Arabia. As a franchise of OR
Egypt, they benefit from the expertise and experience of their parent company in
the clothing industry. Through their retail outlets, OR KSA aims to provide high-
quality clothing options to cater to the diverse fashion preferences of their
customers in Saudi Arabia.