Odoo Experience 2017
Testimonial: Dealing with Business Complexities with a small team and Odoo
Lokasi: Bruyères - 04/10/17 12.00 - 04/10/17 12.20 (Europe/Brussels) (20 menit)
Maarten Vrakking
Maarten Vrakking

Maarten Vrakking - Solar Thermal Solutions Provider. Background: Delft Technical University, Faculty Mathematics and Computer Science MSc. Exec Ed Haas Business School - UC Berkeley.

This talk is dedicated to startup owners and CEO's looking to switch to Odoo.

What will people learn from this talk?
How easy it is for a small team to order many parts with a bill of material. This talk is an enthusiastic account of how Odoo enables a small R&D team to scale a startup. With the structure of this talk, you will discover: Why Verdini - ZonZoektVloer.

Why is this interesting for you?
Because of dealing with complexities.
- Where did the market fail and where did we?
- What to do to improve things.
- Was it easy, yes and no.  
- How to improve in the future?
- Can this apply to you?  
- Show how Odoo is the only solution which combines good purchasing and manufacturing with good sales and bookkeeping to empower teams - at this price point