
Pendaftaran ditutup

Odoo 201: Odoo Functional Class in Bahasa Indonesia

      Bahasa-speaking, in-depth tutorial on Odoo functionality

      In order to thank the Indonesian market for showing consistent support to Odoo, we would like to offer an exclusive Bahasa-speaking online class.

      This is a valuable chance for Indonesian audiences who are looking for more clarity on several popular Odoo modules. After finishing the class, you can expect a comprehensive understanding on the modules features and Odoo Studio/ XML customization and developer tools. Also, you would be able to grasp interaction between modules.

      Check the following details and do not miss this opportunity to learn some advanced configuring hacks from Odoo in-house functional consultants!

      Date and Time: 20 - 21 August at 2p.m. - 6p.m. (WIB)

      Platform: Zoom

      Language: Bahasa Indonesia

      Tuition: USD200

      Tuition include: 

      - A total of 8 hours online lecture including interactive Q&A session after each chapter

      - Revision handouts and exercises

      - Certificate of participation

      Remarks: Please note that you are not yet enrolled in the class after register through this website. To complete the whole registration process, please reply to the confirmation email after register the class through this website. Our account manager will help you to proceed with the payment there.


      Day 1: 20 August (Thu)

      • Purchase

        Purchase Order Approval & Locked | Warnings | Purchase Agreement | Vender Pricelist | Studio Customization | Export Data | Reporting

      • Inventory

        Unit of Measures | Warehouses, storage location, operation types | Lots & Serial Numbers | Inventory Adjustments | Barcode Scanner | Studio Customization | Export Data | Reporting

      • Project / Timesheet

        Application | Sub-tasks | Rating | Timesheet | Studio customization | Export data | Reporting

      • Studio/ Developer Tools

        Report customization | Report name customization| Sequence customization | Other developer tools (i.e. user-defined defaults, views, fields and models)

      Day 2: 21 August (Fri)

      • Accounting

        Invoicing from Sales & Purchase | Payment Terms, Fiscal Position | Financial Reports | Budget Management (include Analytic Accounts) | Asset Management

      • Manufacturing

        Bill of Materials | Work Center | Routing / Work Order | Unbuild Order | Master Production Schedule

      • Website

        Website Basics & Create Content | Ecommerce |Events |Surveys | Domain and Analytics


      Marianne Janet Oentaryo
      Business Analyst (APAC)
      Janet is an in-house functional consultant whose role is to provide full support and optimal solutions when implementing Odoo projects. She continues to provide expert communication and covers two of the most important aims, extraordinary results, and satisfied clients. One of the successful implementations driven by her is digitization of Abuba Steak.

      If you would like to schedule a demo or ask anything about Odoo, please get in touch with us using the following link: 

      Asia Pacific: https://odoo-expert.as.me/?appointmentType=13159303​​​​


      Pendaftaran ditutup
      Tanggal & Waktu
      Kamis, 20 Agustus 2020
      Mulai - 14.00 (Asia/Jakarta)
      Jumat, 21 Agustus 2020
      Akhir - 18.00 (Asia/Jakarta)

      Tambah ke Kalender


      Odoo HK Limited

      --Odoo HK Limited--
      +852 2632 9300

      Bergabunglah dengan obrolan seputar Odoo, bagikan pendapatmu dan nantikan keseruan lainnya!