EAE Global Limited
EAE Global Limited is a premier E-commerce logistics company specializing in order fulfillment from Hong Kong to the European Union. Utilizing Odoo ERP, CRM, inventory management, and warehouse management systems, EAE Global has optimized its logistics operations to ensure delivery to European warehouses within two days and same-day dispatch to any EU country, including islands, at a single clear price. With the integration of Odoo, facilitated by Travis Group, EAE Global offers flexible services, same-day dispatch for up to 5000 parcels per customer, straightforward pricing, fast delivery with detailed tracking, and localized protection.EAE Global Limited 是一家頂尖的電子商務物流公司,專門從事從香港到歐盟的訂單履行。通過使用 Odoo ERP、CRM、庫存管理和倉庫管理系統,EAE Global 優化了其物流運營,確保在兩天內將貨物送達歐洲倉庫,並在同一天發貨到任何歐盟國家,包括島嶼,且價格透明。在 Travis Group 的協助下,EAE Global 整合了 Odoo 系統,提供靈活的服務,每位客戶每天最多可發送5000個包裹,價格簡單明瞭,快速交付並提供詳細的追蹤和本地化保護。
Mojilab Limited
CHC Technology Limited is a leading electronics trading company based in Hong Kong. Since its establishment in 2019, the group has been committed to providing customers with the highest quality products and services. Leveraging Odoo ERP, CRM, inventory management, and sales management solutions, CHC Technology has optimized its operations and enhanced customer satisfaction. With the integration of Odoo, facilitated by Travis Group, CHC Technology ensures efficient handling of a wide range of brands, including Apple, Samsung, Sony, Xiaomi, Realme, Vivo, Meta, Amazon, Google, and many others. The team of experienced staff, with over 15 years in the industry, prides itself on its expertise and knowledge. CHC Technology's use of Odoo solutions helps streamline processes, manage inventory, and improve overall efficiency, making them a trusted partner in the electronics trading sector.CHC Technology Limited 是一家位於香港的領先電子貿易公司。自2019年成立以來,該集團一直致力於為客戶提供最高品質的產品和服務。通過利用 Odoo ERP、CRM、庫存管理和銷售管理解決方案,CHC Technology 優化了運營並提升了客戶滿意度。在 Travis Group 的協助下運用了 Odoo 高效管理包括 Apple、Samsung、Sony、Xiaomi、Realme、Vivo、Meta、Amazon、Google 等在內的各大品牌業務。擁有超過15年行業經驗的專業團隊,以其專業知識和經驗為榮。CHC Technology 使用 Odoo 解決方案幫助簡化流程、管理庫存並提高整體效率,使其成為電子貿易領域值得信賴的合作夥伴。 Transportasi/Logistik