2M Electric Group
The group carries out integrated projects: supplying, installing, testing, operating and guaranteeing all electrical tasks for factories and authorities ... and the design and implementation of Powerful systems and automatic control .... It includes the following: - Low voltage main and sub-main low voltage distribution panels - Control panels - Power factor improvement panels Product Completed production of our factories with components of Chint or similar. Administratif/UtilitiesAtlasco Egypt
Atlasco Egypt Group is a leading holding engineering company and equipment supplier that offers a diverse portfolio of engineeringequipment and professional services. These services include condition monitoring, reliability service contracts, and technical training that are
based on more than 30 years of experience in the Egyptian market. Our advanced technologies and solutions earned the trust and loyalty of our
clients in the manufacturing and medical industries. Atlasco represents a number of key international companies. Administratif/Utilities
CHEMDUSTRY is a sole proprietorship business which provides services in industrial chemistry and chemical engineering.Our services include training and consulting focusing mainly on upstream oil and gas operations. Our expertise covers wide range of flow assurance issues the following:
Solids formation and deposition
Scale, gas hydrate, wax, asphaltenes, soap scale, elemental sulfur, biofouling
Phase separation
Emulsion, soap emulsion, demulsification
System integrity
Corrosion and corrosion management
Oilfield Microbiology
Microorganisms management in oilfields
Water Treatment
Injection water treatment, produced water treatment
H2S management
Reservoir souring, H2S scavengers
Production chemicals
Selection, application, assessment, and management
Lab activities
Fluids analysis, solids analysis, standard methods, ISO, lab instruments Administratif/Utilities
Egat Egypt
تأسست المجموعة المصرية لمهمات المكاتب عام 1998 ، كما تعبير ايجات رائدة في مجال الاهتمامبالمستندات من أول إنشاءها حتى كيفية التخلص منها .
انجازات الشركة :-
ولقد حققت الشركة انجاز فى مجال الأجهزة المكتبية و حصلنا على ثقة العديد من الموزعين حول العالم .
الانشطة / المجالات :-
نحن ندعم الوزارات والهيئات العامة والشركات الخاصة والمصالح الحكومية ومنتجاتنا كالاتى :-
– ماكينات فرم ( فرم المستندات وبطاقات الائتمان ) .
– الات تجليد مستندات .
– الات تغليف .
– شاشات العرض والداتا شو بروجيكتور .
– أوفر هيد بروجيكتور .
– ماكينات عد نقدية .
– أجهزة كمبيوتر( طابعات ليرز – طابعات حبر – طابعات دوت ماتريكس ) .
Egyptian Authority for Maritime safety
The Egyptian Authority for the Safety of Maritime Navigation (formerly the Ports and Lighthouses Authority) is one of the oldest governmental departments in the country, as its establishment dates back to 1830, when a council was established to supervise the port of Alexandria. Transportation - the Ministry of Maritime Transport and finally the Ministry of Transport Administratif/UtilitiesEgyptian Company for Services and Collection LLC
Egyptian Company for Services and Collection LLC in 2004 to provide various services to the office & customers from banks and third parties, including collection services for periodic and non-performing financial dues, follow-up on the implementation of judgments, real estate services, licensing services of all kinds and other related services. Since its establishment, the company has focused on the inclusion of a group of specialists in the fields of the company, which resulted in the number of employees of the company to about 500 employees of specialized managers and distinguished workers in all sectors. Administratif/UtilitiesElsewedy utilities
ELSEWEDY UTILITIES is an operational arm of ELSEWEDY ELECTRIC, offering integrated and efficient solutions in the fields of utilities distribution networks and facility management. Operating through a 3D business model including EPC, O&M and investment to ensure and maximize our efficient integrated services.ELSEWEDY UTILITIES offers its clients a premium quality of a variety of services through a partnership mindset; these services include the following:
Utilities Distribution & Development
Value Engineer - Operate And Maintain - Billing And Collection
Integrated Facility Management
Hard, Soft, and Support Services, like: MEP, HVAC, BMS, Firefighting, Road Maintenance, Waste Management, HSE, etc. Administratif/Utilities
it One (Do outsource) is one of the leading companies specialized in the field of managing andoperating production lines. We are distinguished in hiring workers and under a large umbrella
and a company that has its name. We have great experience in this field and we provide
employment service for factories and companies,
-ايتي وان من الشركات الرائدة والمتخصصة في مجال أدارة وتشغيل خطوط الانتاج فنحن
متميزون في توظيف العمالة وتحت مظلة كبيرة وشركة لها اسمها فنحن خبرة كبيرة في هذا
المجال ونقدم خدمة توظيف العمالة للمصانع والشركات Administratif/Utilities