Country: Spokane, Washington, United States
Industry: Biomedical Supplies
Apps Implemented: CRM, Sales, Inventory, Purchase, Manufacturing
Number of Users: 3 users
Company Size: 3
Implementation Type: Odoo Online
With the ever-heightening standards for health regulations, there is a growing need for biological testing tools. One such tool is the microbiological culture media plate. Let’s say you were to go to the doctor and they suspected you had strep throat. The doctor would take a swab culture of your throat, they would plate it (using a product such as the one S2 Media manufactures), then they would incubate it under lab conditions, and examine the growth. After the microbial culture has grown, the lab analysts are then able to determine the type of infection. This product is most commonly sold to pharmaceutical manufacturers, medical research organizations, food manufacturing companies, veterinarians, and other industries in which a clinical lab is needed to do microbial testing.
Three Moms, One Big Idea
Two years ago, three moms (a chemist, a biologist, and a supply chain director) combined forces to bring a fresh new take to the microbiological culture media manufacturing marketplace. They were working together at a biomedical firm that manufactured sterile injectable drugs which frequently received and used media plates. Often times these plates were delivered with some pretty serious quality concerns. They found that there are really only 3 major players in the space, each one has subpar customer service, and none of them are in the Pacific Northwest.
That’s when they saw the opportunity - providing quality customer service and a quality product while focusing on an underserved region. Since the company’s beginning, the founders have taken deep pride in providing the best products and customer service in the industry.
Reaching the Rising Bar of Standards
Right out of the gate, this team knew that they needed some kind of ERP system to track every process of their system as per FDA requirements. They wanted to find a great manufacturing system that worked seamlessly within an ERP environment. This system needed to have full traceability for all of the materials that go into the product, information on where each product was stored, timestamps on when and where they went out, etc. Having a system that met FDA regulations and processed orders quickly was absolutely essential.
S2 Media also needed to implement systems to account for other aspects of their business like accounting, sales, and CRM. For end-to-end traceability they needed an integrated system that passed information through every link in the supply chain. All of these requirements meant that S2 Media might need to work with upwards of 5 different vendors to meet their front and back of house system needs.
“Odoo is the backbone of our business. It allows complete transparency. Internally it's very user friendly and the whole app suite is very easy for non tech savvy people and great for our distributors.”
Molly Paridon, Director of Supply Chain
A Seamless Setup
Today, S2 Media uses Odoo for a multitude of processes including inventory, manufacturing, accounting, purchasing, sales, and CRM. Their new system creates the manufacturing order and deliverables, drives the inventory requirements, and runs all of the financials in tandem without having to do redundant data entry. Lot and serial traceability in the Manufacturing app have been the most seamless aspects of their workflow. When setting up a new item in Odoo, that item is automatically given a lot number and serialized for proper tracking.
Anytime they receive either ordered or manufactured product or material, the system automatically updates the batch number. Without this feature, they would need a manually maintained tracking log to determine what number is associated with each new product. Automating this task with Odoo greatly simplified their operational complexity. Odoo takes care of the back-end challenges of running the business so that S2 Media can focus on addressing the needs of their customers.
About S2 Media
S2 Media is a division of S2M Enterprises, LLC. The mission of S2 Media is to provide quality prepared microbiological culture media to all industries. Their vision is to be recognized as a leading provider of microbial culture medium. Well respected for technical expertise, quality, timely delivery, and adherence to the highest ethical standards, by their customers and competitors, with a focus on providing media to microbiological laboratories. Microbial media is an essential tool utilized
S2 Media’s business environment will support
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S2 Media Cultivates a Unique Brand Identity in Health Technology