BDO Infokorp d.o.o.
Infokorp d.o.o. was established in 1996. Since then, we have been constantly expanding our operation. Today, we have about thirty employees and work with over 170 clients, which makes us one of the largest companies in our field of activity.In 2011, we were selected as one of the best brands in Croatia by consumers and we won the SUPERBRANDS 2011-12 recognition.
We hold ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 27001 certificates and always maintain a high level of professionalism with our clients, providing them the maximum level of service.
We have a AAA credit rating in accordance with the international credit rating evaluation system of the company Bisnode.
Infokorp is also a member of the Association of Management Consultants, the Croatian Association of Accounting Services, the American Chamber of Commerce, the British Chamber of Commerce and the German Chamber of Commerce.
At Infokorp we have been building long-term business relationships with our clients and firmly believe that complete trust, mutual understanding, and assistance are the only basis for a good business relationship. Our dedication to solving problems, regardless of their complexity, and our willingness to constantly learn and improve our knowledge and capabilities make us an ideal choice to support and improve the operations of our partners. Finance / Pojištění