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Alwasem Combined Company
Alwasem Combined Company
Industry: Trading E-Commerce

Operating as a specialized entity in the marine industry, AL WASM MARINE has established itself as the premier destination for maritime enthusiasts seeking quality marine products. Their extensive portfolio spans from fishing gear to boats and water bikes, solidifying their position as a leading provider of comprehensive marine solutions in Kuwait.

With the increasing number of transactions and success in the marine industry, AL WASM MARINE encountered significant operational challenges. These challenges encompassed crucial aspects such as customer care, inventory management,customer relationship management (CRM) and the absence of a streamlined financial solution. Recognizing the necessity for scalability to ensure sustained growth, AL WASM MARINE realized the need to onboard a digital transformation specialist.

After careful consideration and multiple consultations, AL WASM MARINE selected Cloudmen as its digital transformation partner. Cloudmen's business advisors, through their expertise, introduced AL WASM MARINE to the expansive capabilities of Odoo. The strategic implementation of Odoo by Cloudmen enabled AL WASM MARINE to seamlessly address challenges, ensuring efficient lead generation, streamlined inventory management, and enhanced CRM practices. This transformative collaboration not only reinforced AL WASM MARINE's market position but also empowered them to continue delivering top-notch marine products and services

Velkoobchod / maloobchod
Amber Oud
Amber Oud
Amber Oud, established in 2014, is a business dedicated to offering an exquisite collection of fragrances that showcase the artistry and refinement of brewed finesse. With its roots in Kuwait City, Old Souk, the company has experienced organic growth and has become a sought-after destination for individuals seeking a modern twist on traditional fragrances enriched with the luxurious essence of rich oils. The foundation of Amber Oud's success lies in its commitment to sourcing and blending the finest Oud and Agarwood. Each product is meticulously crafted with love and dedication, reflecting the company's unwavering pursuit of excellence. Only the highest quality oils are extracted from carefully selected sources around the world, ensuring that every fragrance embodies the pinnacle of aromatic perfection.

The Kuwait Protocol plans to implement Odoo ERP system version 15 Enterprise edition for AmberOud, a fragrance business. The implementation's goals include automating business processes, integrating management functions, and optimizing various aspects of the company's operations. The system will improve operational efficiency, reduce errors, and increase productivity by streamlining procurement, sales, inventory, accounting, and retail operations. It will enable seamless integration between departments and provide real-time visibility into critical business information with a centralized platform for managing various functions. Furthermore, the POS module will provide a user-friendly interface for managing retail sales operations, while the inventory module will optimize stock control and warehouse management. Overall, the implementation of Odoo ERP will increase efficiency, collaboration, and data accuracy while also supporting AmberOud's growth and customer satisfaction.
Velkoobchod / maloobchod