De mitjana, cada pàgina del back-end és 3,7 vegades més ràpida de carregar i de renderitzar. El Lloc web i el Comerç electrònic són 2,7 vegades més ràpides a l'hora de carregar els controladors.
New Dashboards
Els informes basats en fulls de càlcul reemplacen les diferents vistes/accions del tauler.
Camps personalitzats basats en el context
Crea camps de «propietat» personalitzats en els teus tiquets, clients potencials, tasques i articles.
Drets d'accés i herència de grup
Rep una notificació si la configuració dels drets d'accés no és vàlida.
Arxivar els servidors de missatgeria
Arxiva els servidors de missatgeria per evitar utilitzar-los.
Command Palette
Open menus in new tabs from the command palette.
Els editors de text col·laboratius (etherpads) s'han reemplaçat per l'editor HTML natiu d'Odoo.
Editor: Command Bar
Improved command bar UI and overall design. Reworked the command bar sections.
Editor: edició de taula
Afegeix, desplaça i redimensiona la mida de les columnes i de les línies d'una taula. També pots configurar el fons d'algunes cel·les en específic.
Editor: pestanyes
Millora del comportament de les pestanyes.
Editor: icones dels usuaris
Visualitza quins usuaris col·laboren en els camps de text.
Resum per correu electrònic
Tots els usuaris poden donar-se de baixa dels resums per correu electrònic.
Notificacions per correu electrònic
Ara hi rebràs notificacions de forma automàtica per correu electrònic amb un enllaç vinculat a un enregistrament de la base de dades.
Personalització de les plantilles de correu
Personalitza el format i el contingut de les plantilles de correu des de la configuració general.
Restaurar les plantilles de correu
Restaura les plantilles de correu amb un clic perquè funcionin de nou.
Vista de Gantt: dependències
Utilitza l'eina de creació de dependències de tasques del projecte des de qualsevol vista de Gantt.
S'ha afegit una acció de cerca privada per a trobar totes les ocurrències d'un contacte i arxivar-les o eliminar-les en cas que sigui necessari, així com regles de reciclatge en la neteja de dades.
Google Drive/Spreadsheet: Depreciated Modules
Google Drive and Google Spreadsheet integrations have been removed from Odoo 16.
HR Apps Access Rights Labelling Uniformization
The names of various access rights levels for HR apps have been uniformized for a better understanding.
HTTP Routing Stack
The HTTP routing stack was refactored to make it more easily extendable, handle errors more cleanly, and be easier to navigate and work with.
Mobile Preview
Preview how mailings will look on mobile devices.
Multiple Languages
Install multiple languages at the same time.
Outlook OAuth
Connecta amb un servidor de correu Outlook per mitjà de la nova autenticació OAuth.
PDF Preview: Links
All links are now opened in a new browser tab when previewing a PDF attachment.
PDF Reports Spacing
Increased the spacing between sections in PDF reports to improve their readability.
PDF Reports: Arabic Font
Use Arabic script in PDF reports with the Tajawal font.
Portal Account Deactivation
Portal users can remove their accounts themselves.
SMS Credits
A link to buy SMS credits was added to General Settings.
UTM Parameters
Users with the required access rights can delete UTM records, with some restrictions.
Added a new analytic widget on invoices to ease analytic distribution, analytic plans (replacing groups), and analytic distribution models. Break financial reports down. Analyze financial reports according to analytic accounts and/or plans. Mass edition of analytics allowed on List views.
Bank Reconciliation Widget
Improved the bank reconciliation widget's navigation, interface, and readability.
Usability and Navigation
Updated the navigation throughout the Accounting app to avoid technical views and allow for an easier transition between different screens.
Journal Audits
Various Journal Audits improvements: increased overall readability, removed repeated information, empty journals are now ignored, and tax applied details are included.
Account Reports
Account Reports were completely reworked to improve their performance, UI, definition, and audit.
Accounting Firms Mode
Activate the Accounting Firms mode to access a Quick Total field and manual sequence editing to encode invoices quickly.
Menú de comptabilitat
Reduced the number of menu items to help users find the right menu depending on the operation type.
Asset Cancellation
It is now possible to cancel an asset.
Asset Models
Asset models created from any account automatically use the related account as the default Fixed Asset Account.
Asset Wizards
UI cleaned by grouping several asset modification wizards in one single button.
Assets: Negative and Depreciation
Added negative assets management and the possibility to compute depreciations based on the effective number of days in each period. Any asset modification now results in a depreciation entry covering the period since the last depreciation entry was posted. The computation board and assests import were improved.
Assets: Non-Deductible Tax
An asset's original value is now increased by the non-deductible portion of the tax (if any).
Batch Payments: Chatter and Activities
The chatter and activities scheduling are now available for batch payments.
Batch Payments: Rejection Management
Improved reconciliation flow of batch payments containing refused payments: users are now prompted to choose between canceling the original payment or leaving it open.
Cash Discounts
Added a new separate definition in the Payment Terms supporting different taxes legislations (included or excluded). Receivable lines are not split anymore, improving the readability of accounting and follow-up reports. The Register Payment wizard suggests using the reduced amount if available. The reconciliation suggests using a computed early payment discount write-off if possible.
Credit Limit by Partner
Setup a credit limit per company and/or partner. When the total amount of open invoices for that partner reaches the specified limit, a warning on sale orders or customer invoices is displayed.
Currencies display reworked on Journal Entries form views and Accounting Journals list views.
Currency Conversion Rate: Invoice/Bill Date
The invoice or bill date is now used to set the currency conversion rate instead of the accounting date.
Cut-off Entries Label
Improved cut-off entries label to improve ledgers readability.
Importació de dades
Added a new guide, templates and functionalities to import the following accounting data: contacts, chart of accounts, and journal items.
Disallowed Expenses Categories
Assign a Disallowed Expenses Category and Rate to an account from the Disallowed Expenses Categories' list view.
Drag and Drop Upload
Import files by draging and dropping them on the Accounting Dashboard cards (invoices, bills, miscellaneous, bank) or the journals List views.
Financial Reports Debug
Use the Finanial Reports' debug tool to analyze which accounts are potentially missing in the report definition.
Follow-up Reports
Assign different follow-up contacts to a partner. Exclude a partner from automatic follow-ups. Manually set follow-up levels on a partner. Enhanced wizard to manually create follow-ups. Improved interface: follow-up list, individual report, follow-up levels definition. Filter follow-up reports on follow-up level.
Intrastat Commodity Codes Renewal
Intrastat commodity codes have been renewed, and the default transaction code was updated to the two-digit one applicable since January 1st, 2022.
Invoices and Bills Payment Widget
The payment information widget on invoices and bills was improved for multi-currencies transactions: the exchange difference entries are highlighted (if any), and, in the info-bullet, amounts are now expressed in both the company currency and the origin currency.
Journal Entries and Items Quick Search
Quick searches on journal entries and items were improved.
Journal Groups Naming
Journal Groups names are now unique to improve the readability of financial reports.
Journals Audit Report
Revamped the Journals Audit report.
Lock Dates Tracking
Changes to lock dates are tracked in a chatter on the company's form view.
Non Trade Accounts Entries
Journal items on Non Trade accounts are now excluded from Aged reports; a filter is available to add them back in. Entries from Non Trade accounts now appear in the Miscellaneous tab of the Reconciliation widget.
Non-continuous Sequence Alert
Smart alerts are displayed on the dashboard when a sales or purchase journal's sequence is not continuous.
OCR Background Validation
Uploaded invoices and expenses are validated in the background by the OCR to make the interface more responsive.
OCR Field Mapping
The manual field matching interface on invoices was improved.
OCR: Bills and Invoices Settings
Activate the digitization of vendor bills and customer invoices separately.
OCR: Partner Identification
Enhanced the partner detection on Invoices using bank account numbers and partner auto-complete information.
Optional Bank Statements
Bank transactions can now stand alone: bank statements have been made optional.
Partners Bank Account Management
Bank account management on partners was improved: all changes are logged in the chatter; a manual validation process was introduced for automatically added accounts before they can be used for outgoing payments.
Partners Bank Account Numbers
Assign the same bank account number to different partners.
Payment Terms
New payment terms definition screen. Added due date computation methods and dynamic examples.
Payments: Total Amounts
Total amounts are displayed when grouping items on the Payments List view.
Reconciliation: Foreign Currency
An exchange difference journal entry gets created directly at each partial payment to ensure the rate between the residual ammount currency and the residual amount. When reconciling two lines, one with a foreign currency and one expressed in the company currency, the reconciliation is made using the foreign currency.
Recurring Account Moves Management
Recurring account moves for invoices and bills were simplified: an entry can be posted automatically at different frequencies.
Reports Readability
Improved the design and readability of accounting reports.
Reports: Foldable Records
All tax and financial reports use an improved way of declaring data thanks to foldable parent-children records in editors.
Sales and Purchase Journals Alerts
Get an alert on the dashboard when a Sales or Purchase Journal's sequence is not continuous.
SEPA Rejection Management
Improved SEPA rejection management: when canceling a payment belonging to a batch, the payment is deleted if no lock date is violated.
SEPA: Non-Latin Characters Mapping
SEPA extended to support non-latin characters of all local European languages.
Storno Accounting
Use negative debits and credits to reverse original accounting entries by activating the Storno Accounting setting.
Vehicle Assets
All depreciation entries can be linked to the vehicle. A "Vehicle split" filter was added to the Disallowed Expenses report.
Comptabilitat - Localització
Financial reports are now more robust as they are calculated using Account Code prefixes. Control domains were added where possible using Account Types and Account Tags for debugging and investigation purposes. Din5008 formats are now independent from the German localization.
Definitive abolition of VAT advance payment: the Grid 91 field was removed from the XML export wizard on the Belgian Tax Report. Tax Names and their search were improved to fasten invoice encoding. Tax Labels were clarified to improve their display on documents. SODA files can now be imported into Miscellaneous Journals.
The base localization package was added: chart of accounts, taxes, and financial reports.
The base localization package was added: chart of accounts, taxes, fiscal positions, balance sheet, profit and loss report, and tax report.
Financial reports are now more robust as they are calculated using Account Code prefixes. Control domains were added where possible using Account Types and Account Tags for debugging and investigation purposes. Added fields required by the Customs Office on invoices as part of the electronic invoice for the export of goods. Added a demo mode environment to be able to test locally Chilean electronic invoice workflows without the need to have a real certificate and CAFs.
Financial reports are now more robust as they are calculated using Account Code prefixes. Control domains were added where possible using Account Types and Account Tags for debugging and investigation purposes.
The basic package of the localization has been improved: chart of accounts, taxes. Financial reports have been added and adapted: Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Report, Reports 103 and 104. The electronic documents sending module was added: Sales Invoices, Purchase Settlements, Credit and Debit Notes, Purchase Withholdings, and support for Sales Withholdings.
Full integration with the Egypt Tax Authority portal. Invoices from companies and invdividuals can be sent to the portal with a single click.
As all lines of Tax Settlements are rounded to the nearest euro in France, the Closing Entry is now rounded accordingly (Account Tax Payable / Receivable), taking into account whether it's a Profit or a Loss for the rounding. Float amounts are still kept for a proper reconciliation on the accounts used for the distribution of taxes. New control domains for financial reports were added in debug mode.
Export DATEV with or without PDF files of invoices.
The localisation was updated: chart of accounts, taxes, fiscal positions, and financial reports.
The localisation was updated for chart of accounts and taxes. Minor e-Faktur bugs were fixed.
Added the balance sheet and profit and loss reports.
Financial reports are now more robust as they are calculated using Account Code prefixes. Control domains were added where possible using Account Types and Account Tags for debugging and investigation purposes.
New control domains for financial reports were added in debug mode.
Financial reports are now more robust as they are calculated using Account Code prefixes. Control domains were added where possible using Account Types and Account Tags for debugging and investigation purposes.
Added the balance sheet, chart of accounts, profit and loss, and taxes reports.
Added a new field in taxes and adapted the XML to be able to use the ISC tax for Peruvian goods on electronic invoices.
Saudi Arabia
Added all value-added taxes, which were mapped with the appropriate accounts on the chart of accounts, and linked to the tax report compliant with the ZATCA format.
The base localization package was added: chart of accounts, taxes, fiscal positions, balance sheet, profit and loss report, and tax report.
The localisation was updated for the chart of accounts and taxes. The balance sheet and profit and loss reports were added.
New control domains for financial reports were added in debug mode.
Financial reports for K1, K2, and K3 accounting were added. Control domains for financial reports were added in debug mode.
Din5008 formats are now independent from the German localization. Print QR-invoices in batch.
360 Feedback Template
Improved the default survey template for 360 feedback.
Appraisal Date
The default Appraisal Date is now based on the employee's contract start date. If none exists, the employee's creation date is used. Edit the appraisal date of multiple records at once.
Employee Skills
Create new employee skills directly from an appraisal.
Reporting: Skills Evolution
Added a report on the evolution of employees' skills
Set approvers in sequential order.
Inherited Rights
Users can see the requests they have to approve without specific access rights.
Extra Hours
When checking out, see the extra hours for the day and the total of extra hours only if the number is positive.
Kiosk Mode Authentication
Allow users to choose their authentication method in kiosk mode. Define the duration of the welcome message and which camera will be used for the barcode scan.
Codi de barres
The operation Form view was optimized for mobile devices and the chatter was added.
Packagings: Stock Moves
Set packagings during stock moves with the '+package' button for even faster operations.
Pickings Deletion
Delete a product that was scanned but not part of an order.
View supplier reference on receipts.
Scanning Packages
Filter transfers by scanning packages. Open a transfer by scanning a package or a transfer barcode on the list of transfers. Scan a package to know its content from the main menu.
Scanning per Operation Type
Define per operation type what needs to be scanned or not: source location, product, serials, package, destination location. Better instruction in the top bar.
Serials and Lots
Serials and lots are now folded by default. Scrolling them when unfolded was improved. View the expiration date.
Transfers: Chatter and Kanban
Added the chatter to transfer information and a Kanban view of the moves.
User Assignation on Picking
Avoid having two persons doing the same operation by automatically assigning a user on a picking/batches as soon as this user changes quantities.
Improved calendar colors to increase readability.
Create a video call from the Event form. Join the video call from the Event form or the meeting popover.
Profit and Loss
Consolidated Profit and Loss can now display positive profits and negative losses (instead of debit minus credit) when using the 'Invert Balance Sign' toggle button.
Archiving Partner Activation Levels
Archive partner activations levels.
Languages Installation
Install new languages from the List view.
Lead Analysis
View all leads you have assigned and how they are doing from a single reporting place.
Lead Language
If a lead has no language set, it now gets the one set on the customer linked to it.
Link Opportunity
When creating a calendar invite from a lead, the resulting event is now linked to the lead.
Lost Reason
Add a closing comment when an opportunity is marked as lost.
Merging Leads
When merging leads, reports are now folded on the chatter and regroup all the information from the merged leads.
Merging Leads
When merging leads, all empty fields of the destination lead are completed by the source leads.
Recurring Revenue
Recurring revenue totals are displayed in the Kanban view's column headers.
Reseller Tracking
Track opportunities resellers (partners) are handling from their stat button and on the Kanban view.
Similar Lead Detection
Detect similar leads based on their phone numbers.
Conversations Dropdown Readability
Gaudeix d'una llegibilitat millorada del menú desplegable de les teves converses (safata d'entrada).
Còpia de l'enllaç d'invitació
Added a copy button to channel invitation links.
Download Images Button
Added a Download button when hovering image attachment in Discuss or on the chatter
Added a wide selection of emojis structured in categories and a search functionality.
Join/Leave Notifications
Join/Leave notifications in channels were redesigned to be less obtrusive.
Link Previews
La vista prèvia d'un enllaç és disponible quan es publica un missatge.
Message Actions List
The message actions list has been redesigned with a compact/expand mode.
Notifications are displayed for all tracked changes (e.g., stage changed, task ready) in the systray.
Open DM Chat on Mention/Member Name
Open a DM chat with a user when clicking on the @mention, both on a DM chat/chatter, or a user's member name in Discuss.
Search Current User
The current user is now included in the chatbox search results.
Show Guests
Guests are now shown in member lists.
Video Background Blur
Difumina el fons durant una videoconferència.
Video Calls UI
The video calls UI was improved, with a dedicated side panel for settings.
Disabled Buttons
Buttons are now disabled on read-only workspaces.
List View: Group By
Use the Group By option in List view.
Maximum File Size
Set a maximum size for files. A clear error message is now displayed if the file is too large.
Navigation Panel
Resize the navigation panel to increase readability. The Settings icon appears on mouseover.
OCR Search
Search the content of a document that went through OCR.
The process to share documents is now faster.
Split Tool: Cancel and Archive
Added the Cancel and Archive buttons to the Split tool and various UI improvements.
Thumbnails and Previews
Thumbnails appear for more file types. Previewing documents was improved.
Comerç electrònic
Abandoned Carts Reminders
Send abandoned cart reminders automatically to customers.
Alternative Products Building Block
Customize the 'Alternative Products' block at the bottom of the product page.
Archived Product Variants
Archived product variants are not selectable in eCommerce anymore.
Attribute Display Type
Change product attributes display types (button, radio, color, etc.) from the front-end.
Back in Stock Notification
Customers can be notified when a product is back in stock. They can sign-up directly on the product page, even if not signed in.
Cart Items Number
The number of items in the cart is now constantly up-to-date.
Cupons, targetes de fidelització i moneders electrònics
Offer promotions, coupons, loyalty, and gift cards to customers. Track their usage across the Point of Sale, Sales, and eCommerce apps.
Customer Address Autocomplete and Validation
If using Google Places API: provide address autocomplete and validation during the eCommerce checkout.
Mandatory Sign-in
Improved the checkout process when customer sign-in is mandatory.
Mondial Relay Delivery
Allow customers to choose a Mondial Relay pick-up point during checkout.
Page Options
Change page options in edit mode from the right panel.
Picking and Pay on Site
Added the option to pick up and pay in-store during checkout.
Prevent Sale of Products
Prevent visitors from adding some products to their carts. For example, B2B companies might not want to display prices for not connected users or not at all if the shop should just be a catalog.
Product Pictures
Upload multiple pictures of a product in bulk. Display product pictures in a grid or caroussel.
Product Snippet
The Product Snippet was redesigned.
Product Tags
Facilitate product filtering in the backend and frontend using product tags.
Products Default Sorting
Set the default way products are sorted on the Shop page.
Re-order from Portal
Allow customers to re-order the same products from their portal.
New integration between Rental and eCommerce: customers can now order rental products directly from the website. Customers can search for rental products that are available for a specific period. The search can be done using a specific bloc added somewhere on a website or directly in the product catalog with a date filter.
Shop Page
New default design for the Shop page
Sidebar Filters
The eCommerce sidebar has been redesigned. They appear on the right panel on mobile. Filter categories using the new filmstrip bar.
Snippet: Add product to Cart
Create buttons that will add a product to the customer cart.
Aprenentatge en línia
Banner Header
Customize the banner header of courses.
Bought Courses
Improved tracking of bought courses for customers. Added a new 'course' product type.
Course Duplication
When duplicating a course, all its content is now also copied.
Done/Undone Content
Attendees can mark content as done or undone.
Pla d'incorporació
A shortcut allows attendees to jump into the courses they just bought.
Publication Tracking
Track on the chatter when content is published or unpublished.
Registration Prompt
Visitors are prompted to register for the course when they are shared a course they cannot access.
Test History
Attendees can overview all their certifications attempts.
Use Vimeo links for video lessons.
Màrqueting per correu electrònic
Contacts Mass Edit
Mass edit mailing contacts from the List view.
Image Shapes
Use shapes to transform mailing images.
List View
Sent and scheduled mailings appear in chronological order on the List view.
Mailing Contacts Import
Import contacts in a mailing list by pasting their email address. Download an import template for mailing contacts to quickly see how it must be formatted.
Mailing Reports
Turn off 24h stat mailing reports in the settings.
Newsletter Snippets
Customize the website Newsletter snippets and create custom forms.
Save Filters
Save marketing filters used for audience segmentation and reuse them for future mailings.
Template Management
Save mailings as templates to reuse their design later.
New smart button on the Departments' form view displaying the number of employees.
eLearning Smart Button
Added a smart button with a link to the user's eLearning profile.
Employee Tags
Users with Employee Officer rights can now edit employee tags.
Filters and Search
Added 'My Team' and 'My Department' filters to the Employees view and a search option for 'Managers'.
The 'claim car' report is replaced by the 'cars' smart button, which now displays the vehicles' history of an employee.
Localization of the Employees app for Mexico with additional fields on the employee record.
Multiple Plans
Start plans for multiple employees at once.
New User: Employee Creation
Added an option to create an employee directly when using the 'new user creation wizard'. Added a 'create user' action when viewing an employee profile.
Plans by Department
On/Offboarding plans can now be linked to a department.
Plans: Request Signature
The 'Request Signature' activity now automatically sends a signature request by email.
Signature Request Wizard
Added the signature request wizard to the app.
Skills Report
Access a report displaying all skills of employees.
Skills Wizard
The design of the skills creation wizard has been reworked. A default skill level has been added.
Locations Order
Choose the order event locations.
Mandatory Questions
Define mandatory questions on events.
Registration Statistics
Track event registrations with a dedicated stat button.
Revenue Reporting
Overview event revenues in a dedicated reporting menu.
Tag Order
Order event tags as you want on your website.
Website Theme
Event pages are now adapted based on the website theme.
Website: Timezones
Timezones are now displayed next to all times on all pages of an event to avoid any confusion.
Default Journals
Configure the journals used by default when creating expenses.
Link to Sales Orders
Access Sales Orders impacted by expenses directly from the Expenses Report.
Re-invoicing Expenses
Expenses that are re-invoiced on a sales order now impact the sales order's total cost and will not change the margin.
Taxes Compatibility
All taxes configurations (included in price and excluded from price) are now compatible with Expenses.
UX Improvements
Default expense categories have been added for fresh installations of the app. Menus and filters have been simplified for Expenses Officers. Create expenses en masse by dragging and dropping documents in the app.
Servei de camp
Open Reporting
All Field Service users can access the reporting menu and view the available information to their access rights level.
Chatter Tracking
CO2 Emissions, Recurring Cost, and Activation Cost are now tracked in the chatter.
License Plate
New 'Cancellation Date' field for license plates.
UX Improvements
Various changes to improve the UX.
Help Center and Knowledge Integration
Redesigned the Help Center to encourage customers to check eLearning courses, forum posts and knowledge articles before submitting a ticket.
Open Reporting
All Helpdesk users can access the reporting menu and view the available information to their access rights level.
SMS Templates on Stages
Send an SMS automatically when a ticket reaches a particular stage.
Ticket Assignment: Time Off
When tickets are automatically assigned, employees on time off are skipped.
Tickets Analysis
Get statistics on the average time taken to answer tickets and first respond to a ticket.
Tickets Sequence
Customize the sequence (ID number and format) of your tickets.
Tickets to Tasks Conversion
Convert tickets to tasks and vice versa.
UTM Parameters
When a lead is converted into a ticket, the values of the lead's UTM parameters are propagated to the ticket.
Automatic Batch Transfers
At the level of Operation Types, decide how to automate the creation of batches, either per contact, carrier, or destination country.
Force Backorders
Decide if backorders are automatically created or not per operation type.
Inventory Adjustements
Added storage categories and last count date. A warning icon is now displayed next to duplicate serials. Added an 'Apply all' button at the top of the screen and a filter for starred products.
Lots and Packages: GS1-128 Barcodes
It is now possible to create GS1 labels for lots and serial numbers (containing product, lot/SN, expiration date, and sell to date). Printing Package content also prints datamatrix codes for all content (including lot/SN, expiry dates, etc.).
Reception Report
Improved reception report with the addition of links to Sales Orders, product names on labels, automatic display on Barcode, and moving the auto-popup setting to the operation type.
Replenishment Locations
Automate replenishment on specific locations by setting them as Replenishment Locations. Use the left panel on replenishment to sort by location and/or product category.
Replenishment: Warehouse Levels
When resupplying from other warehouses, view their available stock from the replenishment report vendor info.
Reporting and Menus
Revamped all reporting. Move easily from one report to another. Reworked menus.
Transfers: Done Quantity
Easily edit the quantity done in transfer operations.
Visibility Days
Set visibility days on a replenishment rule to consider the quantity needed after the forecast date.
Manage Knowledge
Gestiona els coneixements dels teus empleats per mitjà d'una aplicació específica per obtindre més informació i coneixements.
Copiar i duplicar
Create a copy of an article or duplicate its whole hierarchy.
Cover Picker
Pick Unsplash images as article covers.
Embedded Views and Owlification
Use the /item command to create custom databases inside articles.
Nested Articles
Nest article items that share the same property fields inside articles.
Outline and Index
Insert indexes and outlines in articles to showcase nested articles.
Table of Contents
Add a clickable table of content inside articles.
Trash Management
Deleted articles are granted a grace period before being removed permanently.
Xat en directe
Use Chatbots to welcome and guide website visitors.
Live Chat Button
Visualitza una notificació al costat del botó de Xat en directe.
Delivery Notification
New 'Confirm Reception' button to send a notification to employees when their lunch has been delivered.
Order Sent Stage
Added a new stage, 'Order sent'.
Allocation Reports
Allocation Reports are now also available for manufacturing orders. If two manufacturing orders are linked, parent/child relationships are created automatically. If a manufacturing order is linked to a sales order, its reference and status can now be seen on the customer portal.
Continuous Production
For Manufacturing Operation Types, set up the automatic consumption of lot/serial number tracked products during production. Automatic propagation of quantity changes on the manufacturing order, to both pre and post production transfers.
Expired Lots Notifications
Receive notifications when using expired lots for both manufacturing orders and pickings operations.
Kit Valuation
Set a cost share on Kit type BOM components to automatically split purchase orders prices on component valuation.
Manual MO Consumption
Select components on the Bill of Materials that should be registered manually during production. The consumption of these components then has to be recorded manually before closing the manufacturing order.
Remodelació íntegra de la vista en tauleta de les ordres de treball. Ara en el menú «Acció» hi ha quatre tipus diferents de feedback de millora de les llistes de materials. Els empleats poden iniciar sessió en els centres de treball i en les ordres de treball, individualment i simultàniament. El cost del seu full d'hores també computa conjuntament amb el cost de fabricació.
MO/BOM Overview
Complete redesign of the Structure and Cost report renamed Overview. Lead Times and Next Availability Date, based on current and forecasted stock, are now available.
Import and export products and their forecasts. Delete and replenish in batches.
Operation Dependencies
Create operation dependencies on the BOM that dynamically influence both the planning and status of work orders.
Products and Forecasts Import/Export
Easily import/export products and forecasts.
Return and Repair
Create a repair order from a return. Once the return has been processed, the respective repair order is notified.
Split and Merge MOs
Split manufacturing orders for batch production or splitting and assigning production to different employees or work centers. Merge manufacturing orders for batch production or planning purposes.
Subcontracting Portal
Manufacturing subcontractors can now register their production from their customer portal. Specific access rights can be granted so that only relevant production documents are shared on the portal.
Identify unbuilt manufacturing orders with a default filter on the list view.
Work Centers Capacities
Expanded Work Centers' specific capacities by considering both Set Up and Clean Up times.
Work Orders: Product Search
Search Work Orders by their final product to produce.
Cites en línia
Auto-publish and Redirection
Appointment types created from the website are automatically published. When there is only a single type of appointment available, visitors are redirected to its calendar.
Booking Calendar
The booking calendar now opens by default the month with the first availability, uses the visitor's timezone if no location is set on the appointment type, and uses the visitor's browser language to format the week and time.
Default Reminders and Schedules
Appointment types created on the website now work out-of-the-box thanks to default reminders and schedules.
Design and Flexibility Adjustments
Shared links now keep set filters through the entire booking flow, plus various small-scale design improvements.
Front-End Creation
Select users when creating a new appointment type from the front-end. Added tips to assist the configuration of new appointment types from the front-end.
Link Types
When sharing a link to an appointment type, choose which user(s) can be selected: you, all assigned users, or specific users.
Locations of physical events are now using full addresses from the Contacts form.
Meeting Links
When an appointment is online (no location), a link to an online meeting is added to the appointment confirmation.
Appointment slots can go up to 00:00 (midnight).
Pla d'incorporació
Schedule appointments quickly in three steps with the Onboarding Panel.
Operator Selection
Let customers pick their operators.
Private Access
Create custom appointment links and configure the URL displayed. Share appointment types that are not published on your website with specific attendees.
Questions Reporting
Overview answers provided by attendees while they booked meetings.
Users and Time Slots
Assigna'ls als usuaris franges horàries específiques; d'aquesta manera, seran els únics usuaris disponibles en aquest horari.
Visitor and Lead Link
When booking an appointment, the visitor is linked to the generated lead.
Visitor Tips
Added tips for visitors when no appointment slots appear.
Work Hours Restrictions
Bypass work hours restrictions and book meetings at any time made available on the appointment type.
Pagaments en línia
Adyen: Manual Capture
Added the option to enable two-step payments for Adyen by first booking the amount on the card, then manually capturing the amount (e.g., for hotel bookings).
Alipay/Ogone/PayUmoney/PayU Latam Deprecated
Alipay, Ogone, PayUmoney, and PayU Latam are deprecated. They will be removed in the future.
Amazon Payment Services
Amazon Payment Services is available as an online payment provider for the Middle East.
AsiaPay is available as an online payment provider for several APAC countries. Refunds
Online payments made with can be refunded from Odoo or the dashboard.
Portal del client
Payment methods (tokens) of disabled providers are hidden from the customer portal.
Demo Provider
The 'Demo' payment provider now supports all additional payment features: saving cards for later, manual capture, customer fees, and refunds. Users can also choose the outcome of their payment to test different payment flows.
Express Checkout
Enable quick checkout for Google Pay and Apple Pay users with Stripe: the billing and shipping address are populated automatically.
Filter Providers
Filter which providers are shown on payment forms based on the maximum payment amount.
Flutterwave is available as an online payment provider for Africa.
Online payment providers can now be used without installing the Invoicing/Accounting apps.
Mercado Pago
Mercado Pago is available as an online payment provider for Latin America.
Payment Tokens Display
The payment tokens display has been adapted to fit on any screen.
Razorpay is available as an online payment provider for India.
SEPA: Instant Confirmation
SEPA Direct Debit payments are immediately confirmed when the mandate is created to streamline the payment flow and allow for better handling of cancellations and failed payments.
Stripe: Manual Capture
Added the option to enable two-step payments for Stripe by first booking the amount on the card, then manually capturing the amount (e.g., for hotel bookings).
Stripe: Refunds
Online payments made with Stripe can be refunded from Odoo or the Stripe dashboard.
Stripe: Country Restriction
Prevent users from setting up Stripe when they are not in a country where Stripe is supported.
Unpublish Providers
Unpublish online payment providers to hide them from customers.
On a Recruitment job position, a Payroll tab was added to define if the job is eligible for 'Intellectual Property' and 'Withholding Taxes Exemption'. Related warnings were added to the Payroll dashboard.
Created a dashboard to provide an overview for payroll officers.
Document Folder for Ex-employees
Send ex-employees a link to access their documents.
Entries from Planning and Attendances
Contracts can have work entries based on Planning, Attendances or, a fixed schedule.
Added a localization module for Kenya.
Added a new module, 'Luxembourg Localisation', with the salary structure and dedicated rules.
Manager Access Rights
Added the Manager access rights level, allowing them to read their team members' contracts.
Payslip PDF Name
The month is now included in the PDF file name generated for the payslip.
Configurador de salaris
Drop-down lists are now keyboard responsive: jump to the selection corresponding to the keys pressed.
When requesting a signature, the name of the document in Sign is based on the name of the signed file.
Added a tour to ease the onboarding.
Flexible Hours Management
Manage the planning of employees with flexible hours.
Material Resources Role
Define a role for material resources.
Open Reporting
All Planning users can access the reporting menu and view the available information to their access rights level.
Print the planning of employees.
BOM ECOs Creation
Added a new and faster way to create BOM-type ECOs.
Punt de venda
Cupons promocionals i targetes de fidelització
Offer promotions, coupons, loyalty, and gift cards to customers. Track their usage across the Point of Sale, Sales, and eCommerce apps.
Introducing to Point of Sale the new multi-channel wallet to allow paying goods or collecting refunds.
France: Price Restriction
Relaxing restriction against price modification for France.
General Settings
Manage PoS configs from the general settings. Switch between PoS configs like between Websites. Search easily over cleaned up and re-organised settings.
Global Barcode Nomenclature
The barcode nomenclature is now global and applies to all PoS.
Invoices: Closed Session and Client Portal Request
Generate invoices for sales orders of previously closed sessions. Customers can now require invoices themselves via the portal, with the introduction of an option to add QR codes on Receipts.
Loyalty Model
PoS is now aligned with the multi-channel model to manage loyalty programs across the Sales, Website, and PoS apps.
Margins and Costs Visibility
Hide margins and costs information in the Point of Sale interface for all users but the PoS manager.
Order Auto-confirmation
Auto-confirm PoS orders after an electronic payment when nothing is left to pay
Quotations/Orders Total
Actual totals on quotations/orders are now displayed, letting you know what's left to pay before loading the quotation/order.
Simplified Interface
Many usability improvements over all screens of the Point of Sale to ease usage.
Documents Management
Manage documents directly from tasks with the 'Documents' smart button.
Documents Workspace
Get the right workspace for project documents by defining a workspace template on service products.
Vista de Gantt
Visualitza l'assignació de recursos actual per mitjà de la barra de progrés en la vista de Gantt.
Milestones on Tasks
Link milestones to tasks and mark milestones as reached when tasks are done.
Open Reporting
All Project users can access the reporting menu and view the available information to their access rights level.
Recurring Tasks Planning
Save time planning recurring tasks with the automatic calculation of their planned date.
Reporting: Project Updates
The Project Updates' side panel was revamped to better track the profitability of projects, providing an overview of costs, revenues, margin, and budget.
Services Invoicing Policies: Milestones and Manual
Deliver services automatically by linking them to project milestones with the 'based on milestones' invoicing policy. Deliver them manually with the 'based on delivered quantity (manual)' invoicing policy.
Smart Task Scheduling
Programa diverses tasques per lots des de la vista de Gantt, sense causar cap conflicte: les hores restants de les tasques, les absències de l'usuari i la seva càrrega de treball es tenen en compte de forma automàtica per efectuar la millor planificació possible.
SMS Templates on Stages
Send an SMS automatically when a task reaches a particular stage.
Tags Management
Get relevant tags for project tasks: only the tags already present in a project are displayed in the tags auto-complete.
Bill Price Matching
The cost is corrected when the bill price is different than the purchase order price.
Call for Tenders
Revamped call for tenders. Create alternative requests for quotations and compare them easily, globally or line per line. Creating a dedicated purchase agreement is not needed anymore.
Purchase History
View the purchase history of a product on RfQs, helping to track its price.
Receipt Status
Receipt status added on purchase orders. This status allows viewing at a glance if the products have been received, partially received, or not received. It also allows seeing if they were received on time.
Operations: Quality Checks
Create quality checks on operations.
Skills on Applicant
Set skills on an applicant; they will be transferred to the employee if created.
Applicant Duplicates
When adding or editing an applicant form's email address, searching for an existing address is now case-insensitive.
CV Digitization
CVs can be digitized to automatically extract the following information: name, email, and phone. Access CV previews directly in the app.
Improved Views
Revamped the dashboard to make them more intuitive, plus several improvements to various views.
Interviewer Access
Add users as 'Interviewers' to a job description or an applicant record so they can access the applicant record(s) without having full rights on the Recruitment app.
Job Application
Improved the UX and possibilities to apply to a job. Added new fields and new visuals to the job application page.
New Reports
Added two new reports: 'Source Analysis' and 'Time In Stage Analysis'.
Signature Requests
Send documents to sign to applicants.
Team Performance Report
Added a new report about team performance.
Background Image
Change the Referrals background image in the app settings.
Schedule: Quantities
See the owned quantity of each storable product in Schedule view.
Amazon Account Onboarding
Linking an Amazon account with Seller Central takes only a few seconds now.
Amazon Marketplaces
The Amazon Connector now supports all Marketplaces, including brand new ones.
Canceled SO Confirmation
When canceling a sales order already sent to a customer, the user has to confirm the cancellation. There is also an option to email the customer.
Canceled SO/Invoice Payment
Prevent users from paying for a canceled sales order or invoice through a payment link.
Cupons, targetes de fidelització i moneders electrònics
Offer promotions, coupons, loyalty, and gift cards to customers. Track their usage across the Point of Sale, Sales, and eCommerce apps.
Delivery Status
Delivery status added on sales orders. This status allows viewing at a glance if the products have been delivered, partially delivered, or not delivered. It also allows seeing if they were delivered on time.
Down Payments Readability
Improved the UX when a down payment invoice is linked to a sales order.
Partner Pricelists
When changing a partner's pricelist, a warning is displayed if there are open Sales Orders, including the Website shopping cart.
Connectors d'enviament
DHL and UPS: Commercial Invoices
Added support for commercial invoices for DHL and UPS connectors. Added country of origin on the product form (required for commercial invoices).
FedEx Collect Points
Choose a FedEx collect point in eCommerce
Insurance: UPS, FedEx, DHL and EasyPost
Insure parcels sent by UPS, DHL, FedEx and EasyPost. Define the percentage of the total value of the shipment that should be insured.
New shipping connector with Sendcloud. Sendcloud is an aggregator of the most popular western Europe carriers. It supports, among others, DPD, Mondial Relay, GLS, PostNL, etc.
Shipping Methods
In shipping methods, the postcode range was replaced by a selection of multiple postcode prefixes. The option to 'Pick up in store' was added. Additional description field for the shipping method is now available.
Weight Limit
Added weight limit to limit the choice of shipping methods available, depending on the total weight.
Auto by Default
Auto signature is suggested by default when the user has never provided a signature (instead of Draw).
Extra-Authentication Credits
Allow signatories to submit their signature even if IAP credits (e.g. for SMS authentication) are depleted and warn users regarding low or missing credits via email and on the Sign app interface.
Integració amb itsme®
Permet als signants identificar-se mitjançant el servei d'identificació itsme® (només a Bèlgica i als Països Baixos).
Mobile Layout
Improved signing experience on mobile devices.
Improved support for multi-company environments: all outgoing signature requests now come from the right company, even if the sending user changes company.
Reassign Signatory
Change the signatory of a document after it was sent.
Els destinataris es poden negar a signar un document.
Reply-to Signature Request
Email replies to signature requests are routed to the requester's email.
New report computing ecologic savings made (paper, water, wood, carbon, waste, energy) using Sign instead of wet signatures.
Share Document
Improved document sharing behavior.
Ordre de signatura
Send signatures requests in a specific order, ensuring signatories only get notified when it is their turn to sign the document.
Quadre de signatura
A visual frame is added to signatures, ensuring paper copies contain a visual clue that the document was signed electronically.
UX Improvements
Ara hi pots accedir als documents que tens pendents de signar i als documents que has enviat per mitjà de les noves opcions que hi ha al menú.
Màrqueting social
Propietaris del compte
See who linked accounts and created streams.
Clients potencials
Create leads from any social post or comment.
Retweet and quote tweets from the dashboard. See how many characters are remaining when writing a Tweet.
Full de càlcul
Codi obert
The Spreadsheet library has been open sourced in LGPL.
XLSX Files Conversion
Convert an uploaded XLSX file to Odoo Spreadsheet for edition.
Freeze Panes
Freeze rows and columns for better readability.
Records on List()
See records on list() function.
Absolute Cell References Keyboard Shortcut
Update absolute cell references by using the F4 keyboard shortcut.
Accounting Functions
Added a new set of functions to get accounting measures (e.g., balance, credit, and debit).
Auto-expanding Leaf Groupbys Removal
The Leaf Expanding Groupbys were removed.
Automatic Currency Formatting
The currency formatting is automatically applied to monetary values on pivots and lists.
A chart's default font color is now based on the chart's background color to maximize readability. Added global filtering for charts. Empty rows are now skipped when plotting charts.
Charts/Figures Context Menu
Right-clicking on a chart/figure opens the context menu.
Clear Formatting
Added 'Clear formatting' option on the Format menu.
Color Picker
Improved the color picker's default colors and added the possibility to create custom ones.
Prioritat de les regles de format condicional
Manage the priority of conditional formatting rules.
Copia, retalla i enganxa gràfics
Cut, copy, and paste charts to move them across sheets.
Ctrl+A Shortcut
Select the current range with Ctrl+A.
Currency Conversion Function
Implemented a currency conversion function ('currency.rate()') based on the res.currency.rate model.
Custom Currency Formats
Create custom currency formats.
Dashboard Mode
Introduced a read-only mode to use spreadsheets as dashboards.
Data Filters
Set up filters on a range of cells.
Data Source Insertion
When using the Insert in Spreadsheet button, previews of existing spreadsheets are displayed to provide more context.
Date Filter Offset
Match data to date filters with an offset.
Date Formatting
All dates are now stored as integers.
Date Global Filters
Select any year as a global filter.
Default Date Filter
Improved the default date filter to select a period relative to the current one.
Delete Lists/Pivots
Remove a pivot or a list from a spreadsheet.
Dynamic Formula Format
Dynamic format management was introduced: create formulas whose final result's format depends on the inputs of the formula.
End Content Keyboard Shortcuts
Jump to the end content in any direction with the 'Control + Arrow key' keyboard shortcuts.
Financial Functions
Added 30+ financial functions.
Formula Brackets/Strings Readability
Increased the color contrast of formulas highlights to improve their readability.
Full Column/Row Range
Added support to the full column/row range.
Gauge Chart
Added a Gauge chart type to display KPIs in Dashboards.
Global Filters from Pivot Header
Set global filters from pivot header cells.
Hide Sheet
Added the possibility to hide (and show) sheets.
Insert Graphs
Insert graphs in Spreadsheet with the 'Insert in Spreadsheet' button.
Large Numbers Format
Added a new format to display large numbers as shorted strings, e.g., 100,000 is shortened to 100k.
Legend: None Option
Remove chart legends with the 'None' option.
Link Charts to Odoo Menus
Link any chart to an Odoo menu to access it from the chart.
Link Popover on Mouseover
The link popover now opens on mouseover.
NA(), ISERR() and ISNA() Functions
Implemented the NA(), ISERR() and ISNA() functions for XLXS support.
Odoo Functions Prefix
Odoo functions are now prefixed with 'ODOO' to distinguish and retrieve them easily
Percent Symbol Handling
Improved the handling of the percent symbol (%) in formulas.
Pivot Domain Edition
Edit the domain of a pivot from the Pivot Properties tab.
Pivot Insertion Sorting
When inserting a pivot, the sorting used on the pivot view is now preserved in the spreadsheet.
Pivot Names
Name and rename pivot tables.
Pivot Position Function
Extended the support of the pivot position function to all spreadsheets and not only templates.
Pivot/List Contextual Information
When inserted, additional contextual information is provided in the pivot/list name.
Relative Date Filter
Added a new "Relative period" (last x days) time range to the date filter configuration.
Return Date Format
When the pivot header function returns a date as a day, its numerical value is returned and, the day date format is set on it.
Scale Charts on Time Series/Numbers
When the labels of a chart are formatted as dates or numbers, the chart displays data as Time Series and scale accordingly.
Scorecard Chart
Added a Scorecard chart type to display key KPIs in Dashboards.
Approvals Flows
Integrate customized approval flows with Next Activities so users can easily find records on which their approval is required. Approval flows now have a specific responsible user to whom an Activity is assigned when a user requests an approval.
Sales Order Object
Subscription Orders are now based on the Sales Order object to benefit from all its features: renew, upsell, check the MRR, etc., directly from the Sales Order.
Assistent d'acció
The action helper, which appears when no surveys are found, now offers to load one of the three template surveys to start testing the app right away.
Customize surveys and live sessions with background pictures.
Propagació de les regles de visualització condicionals
Quan fas una còpia d'una enquesta, les regles de visualització condicionals també es propaguen a la còpia.
Zoom a la imatge
Zoom in on images when taking a survey.
Vista Kanban
Improved the design of the Kanban view to provide a better overview and jump into any result.
Sessions en directe
End messages are now displayed on live sessions.
Format de les preguntes
The question layout is decided by rules to make the form as neat as possible.
Entrada de dades de l'usuari
Review participants' results and collaborate on those documents
Plans d'acumulació de dies disponibles: traspàs
Decideix el màxim de dies que es poden traslladar fins als darrers mesos de l'any.
Approvals menu is automatically displayed when users have time off or allocation requests to approve, without requiring new access rights.
When time off is created for more than one employee at a time under 'all time off', their avatars are displayed.
Els usuaris poden eliminar les seves pròpies sol·licituds aprovades o rebutjades sempre que ho facin amb antelació.
Delete not yet approved time off requests from the dashboard in year view.
Default Time Off
When creating a new time off request, the default time off type selection is now based on the order of the time off types under configuration.
Department Filter
The department filter on the Time Off overview now displays members of subdepartments.
Public Day Off
Time off requests will be canceled and granted back if a public day off is created on that day.
Start Tour
Added a Start Tour.
Dies d'assistència obligatòria
Crea «Dies d'assistència obligatòria» durant els quals els empleats no poden sol·licitar o programar una absència.
Stress Days by Department
Stress days can be linked to a department.
Tipus d'absències
Added default filters to only show relevant records when using the 'time off' and 'allocation' smart buttons on the 'time off types' configuration screen.
Improved the error message appearing when two time off periods overlap.
Data límit
Des del tauler, consulta la data límit dels teus dies disponibles.
Fulls d'hores
Time Off Block
Block employees from creating or modifying timesheets linked to time off.
Grid View
View the remaining hours of projects, tasks, and prepaid sales order items in Grid view.
Lock Dates
Block the encoding of an user's timesheets based on the date of their most recently validated timesheet.
Open Reporting
All Timesheet users can access the reporting menu and view the available information to their access rights level.
Overtime: Contracts
Contracts are taken into account when calculating overtime.
Reports from SO/Invoice/Ticket
Get reports of timesheet entries from sales orders, invoices, and helpdesk tickets.
Log time on helpdesk tickets from the Timesheets app.
Lloc web
Analytics Tool:
New analytics dashboard that works out of the box for SaaS users.
Backend View
Gràcies a la implementació d'un nou botó, ara pots accedir a la vista back-end dels productes, esdeveniments i cites amb només un clic.
Controller as Homepage
Define website homepage in settings: choose a dynamic page such as Event or Shop.
Cookie Consent
Ask visitors for their consent before storing non-essential cookies on their devices.
Dynamic Events
Showcase events anywhere on a website with the Dynamic Events building block.
GIF Shapes
Shapes can now be used with GIF images.
Grid Layout
Enable grid mode on a building block to get full control of its elements.
Add a helpdesk page when creating a new website.
Image Hyperlinks
Fixed adding hyperlinks to images.
Image Shapes: Devices
Use the new category of image shapes called 'Devices' to make images look like they are in a device (phone, tablet, computer).
Live Chat Icon
The Live Chat tab has been replaced by a floating icon.
Mega Menu Transparency
The mega menu can now use a transparent background color.
Mobile View Edition
Edit websites in Mobile view.
Preset Phone Country Code
The phone country code is now preset using GeoIP information on the Website contact form.
Propagate Language
Catch a visitor's language in the CRM, Helpdesk or Calendar (Online Appointments) app based on which language version of the website they are browsing when submitting a form.
Scroll Animations
Added scroll animations.
Cleaned up website settings and added new product comparison prices.
Site Menu Restructure
See all website pages and objects at a glance with the Site menu.
Social Media Building Block
Added a social media building block to manage all social network links easily.
Steps Snippet
Change the connectors' style on the Steps building block.
Visibility: Mobile and/or Desktop
Choose if a building block should be visible on mobile only, desktop only, or both.
Website Menu
The backend and frontend menus were merged to navigate between the two smoothly.