ASAPack A/S, part of the ASAGroup, is a company specializing in the packaging of industrial goods that require protection against the elements during storage to prevent corrosion. Established and managed by Kim Agerfeldt Sommer and Jakob Bisgaard, ASAPack tailors its solutions to customer needs, often contributing to the development of new, improved solutions. ASAGroup, the majority shareholder in 10 companies, focuses on creating value for customers and establishing long-term partnerships. With over 100 employees, ASAGroup operates in Denmark, Poland, and Norway.التصنيع
Bornholms Mosteri producerer økologisk saft og most, skaber jobs for socialt udsatte, og fokuserer på råvarens smag og kvalitet uden tilsætningsstoffer. Deres produkter er økologisk certificerede og distribueres bredt i Norden. Mosteriet har et socialt ansvar, beskæftiger psykisk sårbare, og har en historie med at udvikle sig fra et kommunalt projekt til en virksomhed ejet af lokale aktører og Den Sociale Kapitalfond.Bornholms Mosteri produces organic juice and cider, creates jobs for socially vulnerable people, and focuses on the natural taste and quality of ingredients without additives. Their products are organically certified and widely distributed in the Nordic countries. The company has a social responsibility, employs mentally vulnerable individuals, and has evolved from a municipal project into a business owned by local actors and the Social Capital Fund.
Brother, Brother & Sons ApS
Brother, Brother & Sons ApS, based in Copenhagen, Denmark, is a prominent international manufacturer and developer of high-end, award-winning LED lighting. Their product range includes innovative technologies such as Remote Phosphor Technology, Area 48 Color, CBL, CFL, and Reflect Bi-Color. The company is recognized for its expertise in creating advanced lighting solutions, catering to the needs of various industries including studio, architectural, and film lighting.التصنيع
Butchers & Bicycles
Butchers & Bicycles, based in Copenhagen, is dedicated to enhancing family time worldwide. Their flagship product, the MK1-E Gen. 3 cargo bike, embodies high-quality and innovative design with its patented BUILT TO TILT technology. This company focuses on in-house design, development, assembly, and service to ensure top-notch quality from start to finish. Their cargo bikes are designed to make daily commutes enjoyable and adventurous, especially for families. التصنيعDansk Etiket Teknik
Dansk Etiket Teknik specializes in innovative and user-friendly labeling machines for pallets, packages, and products in production companies and warehouses. Known for their simplicity and reliability, their solutions offer flexible and secure labeling systems, including primary, secondary, and pallet labeling. Their focus on simplicity through technology emphasizes their commitment to providing efficient, precise, and user-friendly labeling solutions.التصنيع
Develtron A/S
Develtron specializes in customized lighting solutions for trade shows, exhibitions, and store layouts, focusing on production at their factory in Randers. They also supply Danish electrical contractors and electricians seeking their extensive experience with LED lighting products and industrial solutions for LED light control.Develtron er specialiseret i kundespecifikke lysløsninger til messer, udstillinger og butiksindretninger, med fokus på produktion i deres fabrik i Randers. De leverer også til danske el-installatører og elektrikere, der ønsker at drage fordel af deres store erfaring med LED-belysningsprodukter og industrielle løsninger til styring af LED-lys.
E. Krag Råstoffer A/S
E. Krag Råstoffer A/S, etableret i 1954, er en pålidelig leverandør af råstoffer til bygge- og anlægsbranchen i Danmark og Tyskland. De lægger vægt på høj service og tilbyder et bredt udvalg af produkter, herunder granitskærver, gabionsten, vandbygningssten, stenmel og certificeret sandkassesand fra deres 20.000 m² store lager ved Aabenraa Havn.E. Krag Råstoffer A/S, established in 1954, is a reliable supplier of raw materials for the construction and civil engineering industry in Denmark and Germany. They emphasize high service and offer a wide range of products including granite chippings, gabion stones, water construction stones, stone dust, and certified sandbox sand from their 20,000 m² warehouse at Aabenraa Port.
Greenmind A/S
GreenMind A/S, Denmark's largest independent supplier of used electronics, primarily focuses on smartphones, tablets, and computers. Established in 2009, the company operates 13 physical stores across Denmark and an online store, selling refurbished electronics to both consumers and businesses. GreenMind has extensive experience in electronic repairs, having completed over 400,000 repairs. The company is a result of the merger of GreenMind and BlueCity in 2022, aiming to create a unified business with a focus on recycling, repair, and more sustainable consumption.التصنيع
Industrimaskiner ApS
Industrimaskiner ApS, established in 2006 and based in Ribe, Denmark, is a leading provider of high-quality tool machines for cutting, sheet metal processing, and marking. They offer a range of products including high-performance band saws, round saws, automatic systems, and hydraulic, hybrid, and electric bending machines. Known for their commitment to reliability and efficiency, Industrimaskiner ApS provides top-notch service, with over 20 years of experience in installing and servicing the products they offer. They also supply consumables and spare parts, ensuring optimal equipment performance.التصنيع
Lindholdt Maskiner A/S
Lindholdt Maskiner A/S, baseret i Årre ved Esbjerg, er en dansk familieejet virksomhed, der designer og producerer VITRA redskabsbærere. De har udviklet et bredt program af maskiner, redskaber og specialløsninger over de sidste 20 år, altid med fokus på kvalitet, funktionalitet og servicevenlighed. VITRA er en ægte multimaskine, der kan løse en bred vifte af opgaver inden for udvendig vedligeholdelse, understøttet af et omfattende udvalg af redskaber.Lindholdt Maskiner A/S, based in Årre near Esbjerg, is a Danish family-owned company that designs and produces VITRA tool carriers. Over the past 20 years, they have developed a wide range of machines, tools, and special solutions, always focusing on quality, functionality, and service friendliness. VITRA is a true multi-machine capable of solving a wide range of tasks in exterior maintenance, supported by an extensive range of tools.
Nodi A/S udvikler, producerer og sælger automatiserede maskiner til flanging, stansning og fremstilling af bælgmundstykker, optimeret til produktion af aksial- og centrifugalventilatorer, kanaler, filtre, lyddæmpere og andre specialiserede produkter. Med en historie, der går tilbage til 1975, har Nodi A/S specialiseret sig i at levere skræddersyede maskinløsninger til stålformning verden over, herunder deres Nodi Universal Maskine, Nodi Aksial Maskine og Nodi Basis Maskine.Nodi A/S develops, produces, and sells automated machines for flanging, punching, and producing bellows mouthpieces, optimized for the production of axial and centrifugal fans, ducts, filters, silencers, and other specialized products. With a history dating back to 1975, Nodi A/S specializes in delivering customized machine solutions for steel forming worldwide, including their Nodi Universal Machine, Nodi Axial Machine, and Nodi Basic Machine.
Stål & Plast A/S
Stål & Plast A/S, established in 1984, specializes in the manufacture of Ebb and Flow bench trays for irrigation, using high-impact polystyrene (HIPS). Their trays are recognized for their quality and reliability in facilitating plant growth and water savings in large-scale growing operations. The company has a history of continuous product testing and improvement, ensuring their trays meet the needs of modern greenhouses globally. Their manufacturing process involves a co-extrusion line that produces raw plates made of UV-stable HIPS, available in standard and custom thicknesses. Stål & Plast is committed to sustainability, with their products being 100% recyclable and designed for long-term use to reduce water and nutrient consumption compared to traditional growing methods. They have expanded their operations to include a plant in the United States to better serve customers in North and South AmericaStål & Plast A/S, grundlagt i 1984, er specialiseret i fremstilling af Ebb and Flow bænkbakker til vanding ved brug af slagfast polystyren (HIPS). Deres bakker er anerkendt for deres kvalitet og pålidelighed i forbindelse med fremme af plantevækst og vandbesparelser i storstilet dyrkningsdrift. Virksomheden har en historie med kontinuerlig produkttest og forbedring, hvilket sikrer, at deres bakker opfylder behovene i moderne drivhuse globalt. Deres produktionsproces involverer en co-ekstruderingslinje, der producerer plader lavet af UV-stabilt HIPS, tilgængelige i standard og brugerdefinerede tykkelser. Stål & Plast er forpligtet til bæredygtighed, med produkter, der er 100% genanvendelige og designet til langvarig brug for at reducere vand- og næringsstof forbrug sammenlignet med traditionelle dyrkningsmetoder. De har udvidet deres operationer til at inkludere en fabrik i USA for bedre at betjene kunder i Nord- og Sydamerika.
Systuen PANA ApS
Systuen PANA ApS, baseret i Ry, Danmark, har siden 1984 specialiseret sig i at producere gardiner og andre boligtekstiler primært til detailhandlen. Virksomheden er kendt for sit fokus på kvalitet, nærvær, høj faglighed og god service. Med mere end 20 dedikerede og kompetente syersker tilbyder PANA en række specialiserede tjenester og produkter, herunder skræddersyede løsninger til både erhverv og private kunder. Deres målsætning er at være den førende systue i Danmark inden for gardinsyning, hvor de lægger vægt på serviceniveau, fleksibilitet, kvalitet og præcision. PANA understreger deres forpligtelse til bæredygtighed ved at vælge miljøvenlige materialer og drive produktionen i Danmark, hvilket øger deres fleksibilitet og nærhed til kunderneSystuen PANA ApS, located in Ry, Denmark, has specialized in producing curtains and other home textiles primarily for the retail sector since 1984. The company prides itself on its focus on quality, presence, high professionalism, and good service. With over 20 dedicated and skilled seamstresses, PANA offers a variety of specialized services and products, including custom solutions for both commercial and private clients. Their goal is to be the leading curtain sewing studio in Denmark, emphasizing service level, flexibility, quality, and precision. PANA emphasizes their commitment to sustainability by choosing environmentally friendly materials and conducting their production in Denmark, which enhances their flexibility and proximity to customers