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Tüm Kurslar

Getting Started
Getting Started
Odoo Tutorials
Odoo Tutorials
Odoo Tutorials
Odoo Tutorials
Odoo Tutorials
MRP - Manufacturing & Shop Floor
Odoo Tutorials
Point of Sale
Point of Sale
Odoo Tutorials
Accounting and Invoicing
Accounting and Invoicing
Odoo Tutorials
Project & Timesheets
Project & Timesheets
Odoo Tutorials
Odoo Tutorials
SmartClass - Human Resources v17
Business Intelligence
Business Intelligence
Odoo Tutorials
Odoo Tutorials
Odoo Tutorials
Odoo Tutorials
Odoo Tutorials
Odoo Tutorials
Odoo 17 Certification
Odoo 17 Certification
  • The certification is NOMINATIVE and it can not be transferred to another account after its completion. Make sure to be connected with the right user before purchasing this exam.

  • The exam will cover the following subjects: Website, eCommerce, Survey, Marketing, CRM, Sales, Purchases, Project, Timesheet, Accounting, Inventory, MRP, HR, Spreadsheet, POS and Studio.
  • You’ll have 1.5 hours to complete this 125-questions exam.
  • You must score (at least) 70% to PASS.
    • Each CORRECT answer is worth 1 point.
    • Each WRONG answer will cost you ½ point.
    • Each UNANSWERED question is worth 0 point.
Odoo 17 Sertifikasyonu
Sertifika simgesi
Odoo Certification Sample Test
Sertifika simgesi
VoIP: Voice over IP
VoIP: Voice over IP

Learn everything there is to know about incorporating VoIP with Odoo. From use on the Odoo side to integration with a provider, we have you covered!

Odoo Tutorials
Internet of Things (IoT)
Internet of Things (IoT)

Learn everything about Odoo IoT. What is the Internet of Things (IoT) box? How do we connect it, and what devices can be used?

Odoo Tutorials
Odoo Tutorials
Odoo Tutorials
Odoo Tutorials
Human Resources
Human Resources
Odoo Tutorials
Odoo Tutorials
Field Service
Field Service
Odoo Tutorials
Odoo Tutorials
Odoo Tutorials
Odoo Tutorials
Odoo Tutorials
Business Cases
Business Cases
Odoo Tutorials
Features and Global Settings
Smartclass - MRP V17
Smartclass - MRP V17
SmartClass Gelişmiş Orta düzey
SmartClass - MRP
SmartClass - MRP
SmartClass Orta düzey Gelişmiş
SmartClass- Inventory v17
SmartClass - Sales
SmartClass - Sales
SmartClass Gelişmiş Orta düzey
SmartClass - Accounting
SmartClass - Accounting
SmartClass Gelişmiş Orta düzey
SmartClass - Accounting 17
SmartClass - Accounting 17
SmartClass Orta düzey Gelişmiş
SmartClass - Point of Sales
SmartClass - Point of Sales
SmartClass Gelişmiş Orta düzey
SmartClass - Payroll v17
SmartClass - Payroll v17
SmartClass Gelişmiş Orta düzey
SmartClass - E-commerce
SmartClass - E-commerce
SmartClass Gelişmiş Orta düzey
SmartClass - Technical for Functional
SmartClass - Technical for Functional
SmartClass Gelişmiş Orta düzey
Odoo for Accounting Firms
Technical Training
Technical Training

Odoo Technical training aims to train professionals at Odoo back-end and website developments

Gelişmiş Temel Orta düzey
Partner Technical Training - Introduction to Development
Partner Technical Training - Introduction to Development

This course provides comprehensive technical training on Odoo, with the core content available to the public. For additional resources such as hands-on exercises and personalized time with a trainer, please contact your salesperson to unlock exclusive access.

Smart Tutorial - Localización de Ecuador
Smart Tutorial - Localización de México
Smart Tutorial - Localización de Chile
Certificación funcional de Odoo 17 (Español)
Certificación funcional de Odoo 17 (Español)

¡Hola, Odooers!

Estos son algunos consejos y reglas para realizar su certificación:

  • Este examen incluye temas relacionados con las aplicaciones Sitio web, Comercio electrónico, Encuestas, Marketing, CRM, Ventas, Compra, Proyecto, Hojas de horas, Contabilidad, Inventario, MRP, RR. HH., Hoja de cálculo, Información, Punto de venta y Studio.
  • El examen consta de 125 preguntas y se proporciona 1 hora y media para completarlo.
  • Para PASAR el examen es necesario obtener como mínimo una calificación de 70%.
  • Cada respuesta CORRECTA vale 1 punto.
  • Cada respuesta INCORRECTA resta ½ punto a su calificación.
  • Cada respuesta SIN RESPONDER vale 0 puntos.
  • La certificación es INTRANSFERIBLE.

(Si desea dejar una respuesta sin responder solo debe seleccionar la opción No lo sé, de esta forma se considerará que no respondió la pregunta. Seleccionar esta opción no cuenta como una respuesta y no sumará ni restará puntos).

Después de enviar la certificación en la última página NO podrá regresar. Revise sus respuestas de nuevo antes de enviar el examen.

 ¡Buena suerte!

Odoo 17 Sertifikasyonu
Sertifika simgesi
Certificación funcional de Odoo 16 (Español)
Sertifika simgesi
Odoo 16 Certification
Odoo 16 Certification
Odoo 16 Sertifikasyonu
Sertifika simgesi
Odoo 15 Certification
Odoo 15 Certification
Odoo 15 Sertifikasyonu
Sertifika simgesi
Partner Onboarding - Accounting firms
Odoo Bootcamp
Odoo Bootcamp

You're part of an Odoo Partner team and intend to be their next BA/PM star? This training is for you! 

Please contact your Odoo Account Manager to sign up for the course.

Temel Orta düzey
Onboarding - Studio
Onboarding - Studio

This smart class is made for Odoo Partners and integrators interested in knowing more about the Studio app! It covers the basic customizations features in Odoo and how to make them right . It covers as well thetechnical concept of Odoo,how the automations work and the access rights.
For more advanced use cases or personalized assistance, you can be helped by one of our Technical Expert through Partner Packs.

Certificación funcional de Odoo v15 (Español)
Sertifika simgesi
SmartClass - Marketing
SmartClass - Marketing
SmartClass Orta düzey Gelişmiş
Smart Tutorial - Localización de Colombia
Partnership Knowledge Base
Partner Onboarding: Project Leader
Partner Onboarding: Project Leader

You're part of an Odoo Partner team and intend to be their next BA/PM star? This training is for you!

Please contact your Odoo Account Manager to sign up for the course.


Temel Orta düzey

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