Odoo Experience 2019
Empower Your App by Inheriting from Odoo Mixins
Yer: Aula Magna / Foyer du Lac @ 4.10.2019 11:45 - 4.10.2019 12:35 (Europe/Brussels) (50 dakika)
Empower Your App by Inheriting from Odoo Mixins
Thibault Delavallee, Developer - Odoo
Thibault Delavallee, Developer - Odoo

Let us recode everything from scratch! Or maybe not actually. 

 In this talk, we will present several mixins classes from Odoo allowing to speed up the integration of transversal features. Three main categories will be presented

- communication and organization (threading, phone support, activities management, mail gateway)

- marketing tools (ratings and customer satisfaction, UTM)

- website (customer portal, SEO, website publish management);  

The use case for this presentation will be a plant nursery application. Each main class will be applied to see its effect directly during the presentation!