Odoo Experience 2019
Building the Right Product, the Right Way - Insights From 12 Years of Helping Launch New Software Products
Inspiring Startup Day
Local: Aula Magna / Foyer du Lac - 03/10/2019 15:00 - 03/10/2019 15:20 (Europe/Brussels) (20 minutos)
Building the Right Product, the Right Way - Insights From 12 Years of Helping Launch New Software Products
Nicolas Jacobeus
Founder & CEO emBelighted
Nicolas Jacobeus
Founder & CEO emBelighted

Nicolas Jacobeus is the founder and CEO of Belighted, a software product development studio specialized in helping product innovators go to market. Nicolas studied along Fabien (founder of Odoo) at the Louvain School of Engineering and has additional degrees in entrepreneurship, management, and finance.

Since our founding in 2007, we have helped dozens of software projects get from idea to profitable product, for customers ranging from local startups to multinationals. This experience has put us on the front line of many decisions made by founders and product owners, some good, some bad. In this talk, we will share the insights we have gathered, with real-life examples, that will help you decide on the best strategy and tactics to launch, or improve your software product in the fastest and most cost-effective way.