Kinouz Shafa Trading

Kinouz Shafa Trading

Kinouz Shafa Trading, a leading trading company, specializes in supplying snacks to food outlets across Oman. With a commitment to quality and reliability, Kinouz Shafa Trading delivers a wide range of snacks that delight customers and enhance dining experiences.
Tasistech is proud to partner with Kinouz Shafa Trading to implement Odoo, a powerful business management platform. By leveraging Odoo's advanced features, Kinouz Shafa Trading optimizes their trading operations, from inventory management to order processing and customer relationship management.
With Odoo's seamless integration and comprehensive functionality, Kinouz Shafa Trading gains real-time insights into their business, enabling informed decision-making and driving growth. Together, Kinouz Shafa Trading and Tasistech are dedicated to delivering excellence in the trading industry, setting new