Consquare Consultancy

Consquare Consultancy

Industry: Security Consulting & IT solutions 

Consquare Consulting has experienced a transformative impact on its operations with the strategic adoption of Odoo ERP. The CRM module has proven invaluable in enhancing client relationships, providing a centralized platform for managing leads, contacts, and communication. This streamlined approach fosters improved client engagement and satisfaction

In the sales module, Consquare Consulting has witnessed a significant boost in sales processes, from lead management to order fulfillment. The purchasing module ensures efficient procurement practices, optimizing vendor relationships and cost controls. The projects module has streamlined project management, offering real-time insights into project progress, resource allocation, and timelines.

The seamless integration with the accounting module has provided Consquare Consulting with a comprehensive financial management solution. This end-to-end approach facilitates accurate financial tracking, invoicing, and reporting, contributing to enhanced fiscal control.

Contact Appsgate:

Dubai Address: Office # 149-2 Deira Ayal Nasser Dubai, UAE 

Ajman Address: Office #2BR-B, Villa #66, AMC - BOULEVARD-A BUILDING, Ajman, UAE

Phone/Whatsapp:  +(971) 55-415-0820 / +(971) 50-636-0014
