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Intelldigit solutions
Madina Road
21442 Jeddah
Arabia Saudyjska

Intelldigit solutions

About Intelldigit Solutions:

  • Intelldigit Solutions was established by a group of experts to provide digital solutions to companies and institutions that use the Odoo system, they have experience in sales of ERP systems, and many companies and institutions have been assisted in developing their systems


  • Intelldigit Solutions has developed and implemented many technical projects in several fields such as; web application services, mobile application services, desktop application services, cloud storage services, and e-marketing services, all these experiences formed an integrated team and dedicated business in providing digital solutions, which qualified them to be one of Odoo’s Partners in the Middle East.



Our Certifications:

Our Services:

1. Odoo application service in companies and institutions in the best way: By implementing the Odoo system in your company or organization by the experts of Intelldigit Solutions, you will dispense with many separate programs to manage your company's business, which reduces the size of the expenses incurred by them, we will start with you starting from the analysis of the volume of work that you do and determine what units you need from the Odoo system To achieve your goals in the company or institution.


2. Evaluation service for companies that implement Odoo: The evaluation team in the Intelldigit Solutions provides advice and expertise related to the different sectors of the units of the Odoo system and the appropriate technical applications for each of them. The evaluations covered by the team include all modules of the Odoo system, with customization solutions specific to each organization or company. The evaluation team can intervene to assist clients at any stage of the work and technical life cycle of Odoo units used in the organization, relying on their expertise, proven theories, and appropriate solutions.


3. Helping companies identify their needs through a specialized team: The help provided by Intelldigit Solutions for companies by identifying the appropriate needs to push the wheel of work inside and outside it resulted from practical and scientific experiences of the work team from their professional path, which gained them sufficient experience to share this information and help companies implement their needs thanks to the great discussions that take place between the owners of companies and experts.


4. Provide maintenance and technical support: In a world in which information technology methods are emerging as the backbone on which institutions and companies are based in various business sectors. The maintenance and technical support department at Intelldigit Solutions is working to take the concept of technology to new heights, with the aim of helping customers achieve their goals related to benefiting from the Odoo system, in addition to achieving better returns for their technical investments by relying on Odoo products and services in their companies.

Our Previous Implementations:

More than 50 projects implementations in Saudi Arabia


Intelldigit solutions has been growing gradually and is expanding its expertise throughout the following industries:

  • Food & Beverage
  • Retail & Wholesale
  • Service
  • Trading 
  • Manufacturing
  • IT
  • Ecommerce


Comprehensive Implementation Methodology:


Our Selected Clients:


Adel Mashhor Ali Alhareth for construction Est.
Al-Sharif Adel Bin Mashhoor Al-Harith Contracting Est. is considered one of the leading establishments in the field of contracting and real estate investment, which was established more than 30 years ago by experts and specialists, and it is a limited liability establishment.
During this long period, the Corporation was able to implement and market a number of large successful projects within the cities of Jeddah and Medina. *
The company provides integrated solutions and excellent services.
Al-Sharif Adel Al-Harith Real Estate Est. 30 years of experience offers you the best offers in Jeddah and Medina
Advanced International Industries Company
Advanced International Industries Company is one of the modern Saudi companies in the manufacture of multi-use cartons in various industries, with more industrial creativity and using modern means and global technologies; In the next few lines, we talk about important reasons why customers choose advanced international industries to be the right destination for dealing in this field.

A modern company in an important field that contributes to the Saudi economy

AIIC is the abbreviation of the International Company for Advanced Industries, headquartered in Abu Arish Industrial City in Jizan, southern Saudi Arabia. It is a newly established company since October 2019. In turn, it established a factory on an area of ​​22,000 square meters for the manufacture of corrugated cardboard, with high-quality American and international standards and specifications. It places it in the ranks of modern companies that will have an interest in the future of this field within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and its leadership in this field and increase the national income through it.
Al Jouna
Al Jouna is clothing stores specialized in the latest international fashion, at an affordable price and high quality.

تأسست شركة قهوة الروقان شركة ذات مسؤوليه محدوده والمقيده بالسجل التجاري رقم 4030291637 بتاريخ 28/02/1437

تضم عدد 3 انشطه رئيسيه :

اعداد وتجهيز الحلويات " مصنع مولينو تم تأسيسه بتاريخ 01/07/2021 متخصص بأنتاج حلويات اسبيشل للكافيهات "

محلات تقديم المشروبات " ريلاساتو تم تأسيس عدد 2 فرع الاول في الحمدانية بجانب بن داود تم تأسيسه بتاريخ 01/08/2020

الثاني فرع الواجهة البحرية الجديدة مقابل الهيلتون تم تأسيسه بتاريخ 01/11/2020 "

البيع بالجملة لمنتجات القهوة " محمصة البن محمصة نوره تم تأسيسها بتاريخ 01/07/2021 وتضم خط انتاج كامل مع التنقية والتعبئة والتغليف "

Al Zawaj Org
Charity Association, acting as a family guidance, helping young people to get married by supporting them financially, located in Jeddah, KSA. established in 1989 under the supervision of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development.
Alkhair Office for Trade LTD
عن الخير
تأسست شركة مكتب الخير للتجارة المحدوة بمدينة جدة ، المملكة العربية السعودية عام 1966م. ومنذ تأسيسها تخصصت بإستيراد الأنواع الفاخرة من البن الهرري و اللقمتي الذي كانت كل حبة منه تحمل اهتمامًا بالجودة والنوعية , بالإضافة إلى تجارة المواد الغذائية بأنواعها المختلفة مثل الهيل, الرز, الشاي الأسود, الشاي لأخضر, الحليب البودرة, الحليب المركز, القشطة, التونة, الملح .

أن نكون الشركة الرائدة في مجال صناعة القهوة و مشتقاتها و تجارة المواد الغذائية بمقاييس وجودة عالمية.

تلتزم شركة الخير بمعايير الجودة المطبقة عالميًا لصناعة منتجات القهوة وإستيراد المواد الغذائية بمختلف أنواعها ، و تؤمن الشركة إيمانًا راسخًا بأن عملية تطوير منتجاتها ترتبط بمواردها البشرية واستخدام أحدث التقنيات .
Aquacare specializes in supplying water filtration systems to different types of establishments such as restaurants, coffee shops, and factories.
Bajunaid Company

Bajunaid Trading Company was established in the sixties of the last century in Riyadh and then expanded its activities to Jeddah. We pride ourselves on providing the finest products and our luxuries in our services and luxuries. In the highest quality Reflective quality construction work buildings Rugged buildings in Saudi Arabia.
EMDAD Distribution LTD. Company
EMDAD is a Company of trading, distributing and marketing food and non-food products within Saudi market. EMDAD imports food and non-food products to be distributed within the Saudi Market through its own distribution arm.
Future Vision
Future Vision Trading Company is considered the main registry for many of its affiliated commercial companies, it is characterized by multiplicity and diversity at the level of activities and projects, and distinguished by providing services and products with the highest levels of quality and perfection to its customers, thus maintaining its leading position in the trade world.
Gharbalah Industrial Company
Special Manufacturer of Water Treatment Filtration Media.
BMS FACTORIES treasures quality very much, our quality control system keep up enjoy a high reputation among customers for our high-grade and stable products.
As common as some people may think silica sand or calcium carbonate may be, it takes our uncommon expertise, experience, and resources to meet the demanding requirements of today’s industries that rely on silica sand and calcium carbonate for their everyday production and operation.
BMS FACTORIES Filtration Media (silica sand and gravel) are nature’s own natural filter media. They are carefully washed, sized and graded to meet the stringent specifications of AWWA B-100/09 and meet ANSI standards for consistently uniform and chemically inert filter media.
Lubewash Carwash
Car wash series and more.
We provide car wash service with the highest standards, in addition to that, car maintenance and repair services are available.
Where we are a one-stop shop
Luxury KSA
An All Inclusive Events & Entertainment Management Company in the Heart of The Kingdom’s
Capital; Riyadh
Modern Gardens
Established in 1997 under the name “Greenland “, Modern Gardens Limited is a leading agricultural company based in Saudi Arabia, specializing in landscape architecture, garden design, and irrigation systems. Our work spans a variety of services, including the planning, design, execution, and maintenance of small-to-large landscapes. Over two decades, we have become renowned for our expertise, our skilled staff, our unmatched attention to details, our unrivalled dedication, and the superior quality of our projects. Our team comprises highly qualified engineers, creative designers, and certified technicians, who are committed to planning, managing, and implementing your project according to international standards.
Omar Saeed Aboud Bafail Sons Company Ltd.

Founded in 1972, the company specialized in importing various types of sweets and biscuits. Today, the company imports the finest products from various international markets, and sells them in the local markets of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, both wholesale and retail.
Pioneer Generation for Commercial Investment

هي شركة تغطي عدة مجالات من ضمنها الرعاية الصحية والأستيراد والتصدير والعقارات و إدارة الأملاك و البناء والتشييد و تطوير البنية التحتية

نشأت الشركة في عام 1997 لعائلة صغيرة لبيع منتجات الرعاية الصحية بالتجزئة .تخصصت منذ البداية في الرعاية الصحية وبعد 15 سنة و مازالت تعمل علي نفس المنهج

ولقد تأسست الشركة في الرياض وفروعها في جده, الدمام ,المدينة المنورة , خميس مشيط وبريدة.

هدفهم هو نجاح الشركة فى التجاوب مع احتياجات مختلف مجالات الخدمات العامة والخاصة عن طريق تقديم اعمال مختلفة تحت سقف واحد وجودة عالية .وتسعى إلي الوصول إلي أهدفها بالخبرة الأدارية والجودة العالية و الأحترافية والتكامل .

ولديهم رغبة صادقة وعزم قوي لتنظيم المشاريع التي ستوفر فائدة كبيرة للعملاء .

A bakery specialized in making all kinds of baked goods and French desserts for cafes and restaurants.
We are distinguished by quality and delicious taste.
Vision Medical KSA
Vision Medical was established in 2014 in Jeddah with a plan to provide the best possible health care solutions to the growing health care market within the Kingdom. Our aim from day one was to represent highly advanced medical equipment from world-class companies while building a local services network. The growth in the medical device and service market lead us to establish a wide geographical network covering the Kingdom to increase our accessibility and customer engagement.
Yasoud Trading Limited
Yasoud It is one of the pioneers of real estate development in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,
which has long and highly professional experience in the real estate field, as it specialized
mainly in developing residential and commercial real estate to qualify it for sale or investment in
the medium and long term. “Shakal” adopts the modern style and modern technologies, to keep
pace with the aspirations of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the modern vision in the field of
real estate development, in addition to its constant pursuit and focus on creating exceptional
opportunities for individuals and enabling them to own and invest in their residential and
commercial units, and implement real estate projects in line with the vision of the Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia For the urban renaissance, and adherence to local and international standards,
which lead to raising the quality of life in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
جمعية عطاء الاهلية
جمعية أهلية تسعى لتقديم خدمات اجتماعية للمستفيدين وتمكينهم من حياة كريمة من خلال برامج نوعية بجودة عالية وأسلوب مميز والارتقاء بهم من الاحتياج إلى الاكتفاء.
الموقع الالكتروني:
مصنع فجر العرب للامونيوم
Manufacture of high-quality national architectural aluminum systems, and provide world-leading
aluminum systems such as windows, doors, architectural glass facades blind products,
planetariums, and kitchens. To contribute to the beauty and quality of the urban renaissance,
and to improving the quality of family life in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.