2-day training: Odoo Studio
01.10.2018, 09:00 - 02.10.2018, 01:00 (Europe/Brussels) (16 godzin)

Create your apps with Odoo Studio w/o coding

Date: Monday, Oct. 1st & Tuesday, Oct. 2nd
Time: From 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Location: Aula Magna • Belgium

Lunch and Drinks are included for each day of the training.

What will you learn?

Through different case studies, you will learn how to use Odoo Studio version 12 to create and customize Odoo apps in order to better fit your business needs.


Basic knowledge of HTML and XML is recommended but not required.

This is at beginner level, but functional knowledge of Odoo is required.

This functional training is aimed towards Odoo Ready partners and advanced Odoo users with limited technical experience/resources who want to explore customization possibilities using Odoo's out-of-the-box approach.

Why should you attend?

During the training, we will demonstrate how you can use Odoo Studio for advanced customization without any coding knowledge. You will discover the different features of Odoo Studio version 12  and its practical business advantages.

Table of Content

Day 1 

  • Introduction to technical objects in Odoo

  • Before vs. After Odoo Studio

  • Basic Features of Odoo Studio

  • Build your app (Part 1 : standard)

Day 2

  • Advanced Features of Odoo Studio

  • Build your app (Part 2 : advanced)