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Mancorp Builds On The Best With Odoo

Company Name: Mancorp
Country: Egypt
Industry: Construction & Hospitality Products
Main Apps Implemented: Invoicing, Sales, CRM, Accounting, Manufacturing, Purchase, Inventory, Studio
Company Size: 12
Implementation Timeline: 6 Months
Odoo Customer Success Manager: Mira Al Kamand

About Mancorp
Established in 1991, Mancorp, a family business, has a 30 year old legacy in subcontracting for prominent construction projects. Mancorp is responsible for supplying certain products and solutions, as well as delivering and installing those products. Their key product is expansion joints. The team used to import these for almost 10 years, but soon the Egyptian government started supporting local production, thus allowing Mancorp to begin manufacturing them in house, saving cost and time. With their growing success came a franchise agreement from the US allowing Mancorp to produce additional products locally, and here is where the team started having the urgent need for a complete and inclusive ERP system that would allow them to manage the production, the inventory in addition to all the operational and financial cycles, and give them a seamless connectivity between all of these functionalities.

With Success Comes New Requirements
Before Odoo, everything was manual and there was room for errors. For example, when the sales team would land a contract, it would have to be moved to operations, and then to the procurement department where they would manually add the description of the product and issue a purchase order as well as compute the calculations on a different Excel file. And this was only the process of one part of a product in one project, thus one can only imagine that each project, which had 30-40 products and each product consisting of 3-4 parts was becoming extremely hectic, and often the percentage of errors was huge. 

With Odoo, the team now has access to the manufacturing module and most importantly the Bill Of Material (BoM), where there is the list of all products and the system directly relates it to the inventory and calculates the amount and quantity of the products you need. This allows the team to directly create a purchase order from the predefined vendor too, ensuring nothing is being missed in the inventory. Simply put, the improvement between departments and all procurements which were subject to error are now on point and in time, thanks to Odoo. 

In big projects, it used to take us up to 5-7 working days to just finalize the procurement documents, now the same size project takes 45 minutes and all info would be accurate without doing any redundant work and rechecking the inventory. For one year now, there has not been a single 1% mistake in our procurement cycle. The team never has too few or too many stock quantities, ensuring no more loss in time and money. Having this full visibility over the business in one place is very efficient, and also being able to track each customer's profile helps increase their customer satisfaction.

The CRM and Sales app were both two apps that were crucial for the team. The previous tool was too focused on online marketing and did not integrate with any other functionalities so you were unable to connect the sales with any other application. Following the implementation of Odoo, the amount of data that the team could gather was significant. From the accounts each sales person is managing, to seeing the hit rate, the turn over of clients, the amount of opportunities per contract, allowed for the team to have an analytical clear view on their market, the reaction of their customers, the time it takes from creating an opportunity to when they land the project and execute it. This is especially interesting when the team can track the history and phases of their long term customers and longer projects. And when it comes to reporting, in just a couple of clicks, after applying a few favorite filters, these reports are visible within 1-2 minutes. From a managerial point of view this could be done before but it was too overwhelming prior to Odoo so the management team would only do it once every quarter, while now they can do it at any time in just a few minutes. 

As the team grew, adding users or expanding the need of the system was smooth with Odoo. With other companies sometimes the process could take weeks, with Odoo, in seconds you can expend your database usage as much as you need including adding additional users. 

The Journey with Odoo 
When the urgency of the ERP aroused, the team used to manage all the functionalities of production, inventory, finance, sales, agreements, all in multiple different scattered systems, and it was very hard to have a system that would help one to see things and results instantly and accurately, so that’s when the team started thinking of requesting quotations from multiple ERP providers.

Early 2019, many offers were received and many demos were viewed from Local, Salesforce, Odoo, and other cloud based platforms, and it was with Odoo that the team got the feeling that their business needs were understood. Impressed with the amount of applications that were available, the team was very excited that only a few of the applications already covered 97% of their scope. In a very short period of time, a full ERP software was running at Mancorp’s offices. In addition to that, after only 6 months of implementation, they decided to commit to a 3 years long term contract with Odoo. 

Money is important, yet time is the most valuable thing to the team; the time saved and used to be productive, ends up generating the revenue the management is looking for. The financial cycle, which means the time between when they land the project and the time the money is collected, before Odoo, used to take on average 12-15 week. Now it's taking half that time, meaning the financial cycle productivity doubles; instead of investing 1 Million EGP and having 2M EGP in 5 months, the team invests and has the return in 2.5 months.

From my experience with Odoo, it's an inclusive cloud based ERP System and a mobile application that takes every manager's operational and strategic awareness to places I could not have imagined. All of that complemented with the highly skilled and professional people at Odoo who are capable of guiding you smoothly through the journey of defining needs, customizing solutions, testing, implementation and customer support. After 1 year of using Odoo, I can confidently say that Odoo is by far the best investment Mancorp has made in the last 3 years.” 
Yehya Al Mandarawi, Managing Director

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