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Target Integration Inc.
600 N Broad St Ste 5 # 3593
Middletown, DE 19709-1032
Spojené státy
+1 254-845-5684

Target Integration Inc.

 About Partner

Target Integration is a leading Odoo implementation partner in the US, specializing in ERP, CRM, digital transformation and automation. With its offices located in California and Delaware, Target Integration has helped many businesses across varied industries and market sectors to streamline their operations, increase productivity, and ultimately achieve their business goals.


Visit Odoo Partner Website ​


Address - 1049 El Monte Ave, Ste C #594, Mountain View, CA 94040 Contact - +1 254 845 5684  


Our wide range of Odoo services includes: 

1. Full implementation of Odoo, including customization and integration. 

2. Data migration from your legacy software to Odoo, ensuring the preservation of historical data. 

3. Ongoing support and maintenance to ensure your systems runs smoothly, and minimizing business interruption.

 4. Training and education for your staff to help them get the most out of Odoo.

Odoo Consulting

Odoo Implementation

Odoo Integration

Odoo Customization

Odoo Support

Odoo Development 

Odoo Hosting


Successful businesses across multiple industries trust Target Integration, including those working in manufacturing, warehouse, logistics and operations. With over 10 years of experience and proven expertise in Odoo implementation, we have helped clients to automate their manual processes and integrate disparate systems, to streamline procedures and benefit both businesses as usual as well as insights and reporting.


- CRM, Sales, Purchase, Inventory, Manufacturing, Barcode, Quality, Accounting, Documents, OCR, Expenses, Time-Off, Employees, Website 


-Sales, Purchase, Inventory, Manufacturing, Accounting, Documents, Repair, Rental, Projects, Timesheet, Helpdesk. 

-CRM, Sales, Rental, Accounting, Projects, Timesheets, Field Service, Helpdesk, Purchase, Inventory, Manufacturing, Repair, Expense, Website.


Written Review: EnviroBuild - James Brueton Target Integration was able to work with us and work with our problem to identify what we needed to achieve. They were knowledgeable in all the areas of a business. They are a very good organization, well organized, and have a very good reporting on the project and each task they’re doing so that you can view where the time has been spent. And they had a team you could contact most of the day.


Promowear - Apparel Industry


Promowear - Apparel Industry


 Awards & Certifications







 Our Website