MS Vikarservice
MS Vikarservice ApS, established in 2018 and located in Ribe, Denmark, specializes in providing temporary staffing services in the healthcare sector. With over 10 years of experience, they focus on supplying skilled nursing and healthcare assistant staff to Danish hospitals and psychiatric facilities. The company emphasizes situational awareness and confidentiality in its services, ensuring high-quality and competent staffing solutions.الصحي/الاجتماعي
UV Medico A/S
UV Medico A/S er specialiseret i anvendelsen af Far UV-C teknologi til mikrobiel kontrol. Deres produkter, som UV222-serien, er designet til forskellige miljøer og tilbyder effektiv desinfektion, samtidig med at de er sikre for menneskelig eksponering. De sigter mod at levere løsninger til renrum, sundhedsfaciliteter, ambulancer og forbedring af indendørs luftkvalitet.UV Medico A/S specializes in utilizing Far UV-C technology for microbial control. Their products, like the UV222 series, are designed for different environments and offer effective disinfection while being safe for human exposure. They aim to provide solutions for cleanrooms, healthcare facilities, ambulances, and indoor air quality improvement.