Drava Pulp d.o.o.

Drava Pulp d.o.o.

Drava Pulp d.o.o. je firma koja je započela s radom 2022. godine.
Primarna djelatnost firme je proizvodnja celuloze prema patentiranoj tehnologiji iz biljaka kao što su
kukuruz, sirak, Miscanthus i sl.
Proizvodnja zadovoljava najviše ekološke standarde koji se tiču zatvorenog kruga proizvodnje,
korištenje sirovina i kemikalija te utrošene energije za proizvodnju.
Trenutno smo u fazi izradi i nabavci potrebne opreme za početak proizvodnje.
Kvaliteta celuloze je provjerena laboratorijskim ispitivanjem u ovlaštenim laboratorijima na celulozi
koja je proizvedena u pilot postrojenju te zadovoljava najviše standarde.

Drava Pulp d.o.o. is a company that started operating in 2022.
The primary activity of the company is the production of cellulose according to patented technology
from plants such as corn, sorghum, Miscanthus, etc.
The production meets the highest ecological standards regarding the closed cycle of production, the
use of raw materials and chemicals, and the energy used for production.
We are currently in the process of creating and acquiring the necessary equipment to start
The quality of the pulp was checked by laboratory testing in authorized laboratories on the pulp that
was produced in the pilot plant and meets the highest standards.