
Flour, Spice & Everything Nice

Company Name: Haji Spices & Flour Mill 
Country: United Arab Emirates
Industry: Retail Food Industry 
Main Apps Implemented: CRM, Manufacturing, eCommerce, Discuss, Notes, Contacts, Sales, Website, Documents, Point of Sale, Purchase, Inventory, Accounting, Employees, Attendances, Studio, Leaves/Time Off
Company Size: 80
Implementation Timeline: 2 Months
Customer Success Manager:Sary Barbar

About Haji Spices & Flour Mill

The brand traces its roots to Mr. Haji, who was seeking new markets to sell food grains. With the establishment of their prime shop in 1974, Haji Spices has since emerged as pioneers in the art of flour sale in the UAE and is paving the way in innovation within specialized spice making. The team has built up their name as well as credibility through their extensive trade experience, providing customized food grain commodities like flours, nuts, and traditional authentic spices. Quality, versatility, and reliability is what they focus on to meet the requirements of professionals, bakers, chefs, caterers and alike.

Odoo’s Flavorful Role

 The company’s existing ERP software was not capable enough to support the team's rapid growth and expansion. It also struggled with the amount of data it had to handle on a day-to-day basis. Ultimately, the team agreed that the software did not serve its purpose as an ERP and had too many limitations when it came to customization. When the team came across Odoo, its well-integrated applications, flexibility and support service stood out from the other competitors, and Haji Spices & Flour Mill decided to begin the implementation.

Discuss App – This allows the employees to be constantly in touch with each other without even having to switch to any different medium, and with easier communication comes faster and more efficient problem solving.

Documents & Notes App – It is thanks to these apps that the team was able to use 60% less papers, and no more sticky notes, which made it cost-effective and environment-friendly.

Sales, Purchase & Inventory App – Odoo’s well integrated Sales & Purchase applications was able to redesign the whole workflow to a well organized one, and it’s the instant PO/SO synchronization function that largely played a role in this. With over 7000 products, Odoo’s centralized inventory system made everything go from a ‘needle in a haystack’ to a ‘piece of Cake’. The time spent searching for products was cut by 50%. 

Employees & Attendances App – The team now stores all our employee’s documents and datas in the Employees application including attendances, So that everything is accessible from anywhere with just a click of a button. Four hours a week saved for our HR department. 

Studio App – With the previous ERP, the team struggled with customizing templates and reports due to lack of knowledge in computer coding. But with the studio app, the team can customize Odoo to their specific needs without even a single line of code.

 “Odoo has clearly paved the way to a greater future for our company with increased efficiency and stability.” Musthafa Mavungal, Managing Director


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