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Phd Energy Inc.

Phd Energy Inc.

PHD Energy, headquartered in Texas, USA, is a new energy production and manufacturing company dedicated to various fields including the production, manufacturing, sales, logistics, and storage of new energy batteries. Prior to undergoing digital transformation, the company primarily relied on chat tools and Excel spreadsheets for internal communication, which resulted in relatively low efficiency using traditional methods for information processing. However, through collaboration with Digital Star, PHD Energy experienced a complete transformation.

With the solutions provided by Digital Star, the company successfully implemented a range of digital tools, including CRM, sales, project management, inventory management, and financial management. This initiative significantly improved the accuracy and fluidity of the sales processes, offering business personnel greater ease in managing potential customer conversions and post-sales project management using these digital tools.

Moreover, through the consolidation of financial accounts, PHD Energy achieved a synchronized flow of sales and financial data. This facilitated the easy generation and management of reports by financial staff, while simultaneously supporting overall business operations. This unified flow of data greatly enhanced collaboration and coordination among various departments within the company, providing a more comprehensive and precise information base for business decision-making.

The digital transformation at PHD Energy has brought about a more efficient, precise, and collaborative operational model, laying a robust foundation for its future development.