Global quality assurance company using Odoo in Sweden and Denmark for 400 users for all business processes.

For more than 130 years, companies around the world have depended on Intertek to help ensure the quality and safety of their products, processes and systems.

We go beyond testing, inspecting and certifying products; we are a Total Quality Assurance provider to industries worldwide. Through our global network of state-of-the-art facilities and industry-leading technical expertise we provide innovative and bespoke Assurance, Testing, Inspection and Certification services to customers. We provide a systemic approach to supporting our customers’ Quality Assurance efforts in each of the areas of their operations including R&D, raw materials sourcing, components suppliers, manufacturing, transportation, distribution and retail channels, and consumer management.

Intertek is an industry leader with more than 46,000 employees in 1,000 locations in over 100 countries. We deliver Total Quality Assurance expertise 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with our industry-winning processes and customer-centric culture. Whether your business is local or global, we can help to ensure that your products meet quality, health, environmental, safety, and social accountability standards for virtually any market around the world. We hold extensive global accreditations, recognitions, and agreements, and our knowledge of and expertise in overcoming regulatory, market, and supply chain hurdles is unrivalled.

Intertek can sharpen your competitive edge

With reliable testing and certification for faster regulatory approval
Through rapid, efficient entry to virtually any market in the world
With Total Quality Assurance across your supply chain
Through innovative leadership in meeting social accountability standards
By reducing cost and minimizing health, safety, and security risks
By becoming a TRUSTED BRAND
Sector de atividade: Atividades das sociedades gestoras de participações sociais não financeiras
Localização: Alfeizerão (Portugal)

Orgulhosamente Portugal, o Leisure Launch Investment Group agrega valor aos clientes fornecendo uma plataforma de serviço completo segura e protegida para investimento em Portugal. Identificando estrategicamente locais-chave referidos por investidores de sucesso como 'The Real Portugal', que incluem hotspots de investimento no Algarve, Lisboa e na Costa da Prata.

Líder de mercado na criação das condições necessárias para que os estrangeiros invistam de forma segura na Costa de Prata Portugal. Com mais de 25 anos de experiência, as nossas empresas têm conhecimento de mercado e serviços profissionais para ajudar cada cliente de A a Z... Tornamos o investimento em Portugal simples e sem complicações.


Activity sector: Other auxiliary financial services activities
Location: Lisbon (Portugal)

Proudly Portugal, the Leisure Launch Investment Group delivers value to clients by providing a safe and secure full-service platform for investment in Portugal. Strategically identifying key locations referred to by successful investors as ‘The Real Portugal’, which include investment hotspots on the Algarve, Lisbon and Silver Coast of Portugal.

Market leader in creating the necessary conditions for foreigners to invest safely and securely in Silver Coast Portugal. With more than 25 years of experience, our companies have the market knowledge and professional services to assist each client from A to Z... We make investing in Portugal simple and hassle-free.