Technical Training

Technical Training

This course is designed to help partners, integrator, and developers understand the core concepts of the Odoo development process. This course is ideal for developers new to the Odoo environment or for IT professionals eager to learn more about the technical aspects of Odoo.

Please read the Training Agenda and Course Briefing below to know more about the training contents and organization.
This course requires purchase of Odoo Technical Training online course, You can register for the course at following link :[78]

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Ultima actualizare 28.02.2024
Timpul de Finalizare 3 zile 21 de ore 38 de minute
Membri 1592
De bază Intermediar Avansat
  • Day One: and Module Introduction
    7Lessons · 3 ore 52 min.
    • Introduction & Setup
    • Introduction to the Training Exercise: The K'awiil Project
    • Training Exercise: Create your Project
    • Architecture
    • Module Structure
    • Training Exercise: The Motorcycle Registry Module
    • Slides - Day 01
  • Day Two : Module Basics
    8Lessons · 5 ore 28 min.
    • Models
    • Fields
    • Training Exercise: Create a Model with its Fields
    • Master and Demo Data
    • Training Exercise: Add Demo Data
    • ORM Basics
    • Training Exercise: Interact with the data using the common ORM methods
    • Slides - Day 02
  • Day Three: Action, Menu and Security
    5Lessons · 4 ore 1 min.
    • Module Security
    • Training Exercise: Security: Groups and Access Rights
    • Actions and Menuitems
    • Training Exercise: Add the App’s Menu
    • Slides - Day 03
  • Day Four : Views
    3Lessons · 3 ore 10 min.
    • Views
    • Training Exercise: Add the Form, List, and Search Views
    • Slides - Day 04
  • Day Five: Advance ORM
    3Lessons · 3 ore 15 min.
    • Advanced ORM Features
    • Training Exercise: Add constraints and override default ORM methods.
    • Slides - Day 05
  • Day Six: Advance FIelds
    3Lessons · 2 ore 45 min.
    • Advanced Fields
    • Training Exercise: Relational, Computed, and Related Fields
    • Slides - Day 06
  • Day Seven: Inheritance
    3Lessons · 4 ore 43 min.
    • Models and Views Inheritance
    • Training Exercise: Model and View Inheritance
    • Slides - Day 07
  • Day Eight: Reports, qWeb and Website
    5Lessons · 4 ore 28 min.
    • QWeb Templates
    • QWeb Reports
    • Web Controllers
    • Training Exercise: Web Controllers
    • Slides - Day 08
  • Day Nine: Advance Views and Wizards
    4Lessons · 2 zile 1 oră 33 min.
    • Advanced Views
    • Training Exercise: Advanced Views
    • Wizards
    • Slides - Day 09
  • Day Ten: Translation and External API
    3Lessons · 2 ore 59 min.
    • External API
    • Translation
    • Slides - Day 10
  • Additional Content
    6Lessons · 8 ore 11 min.
    • How to create addendas for Mexican Localization
    • [EN] Practical Exercise: Mexican Localization Addendas
    • [ES] Ejercicio Práctico: Addendas para la localización Mexicana
    • [EN] Odoo Development Tips & Tricks
    • [ES] Consejos y Trucos para Desarrollos en Odoo
    • Bonus Exercises