Buscando um especialista emcontabilidade e finanças?

Encontre um escritório de Contabilidade em Estônia

Helgus OÜ, Jolanta Loo
Vahtra 8-2
76901 Tabasalu, Harku vald

Helgus OÜ, Jolanta Loo

Helgus OÜ offers accounting services in Estonia.

Everyday accounting:
Checking the original documents and digitalizing purchase invoices
Financial entries and recognition of bank transactions
The monthly volume of sales invoices and expense documents (purchase invoices, travel and administrative expenses)
Keeping the general ledger

Creating and submitting regular tax return filings: the declaration of the income and social tax, of a pension payment and unemployment insurance premium (TSD); the value-added tax declaration (KMD) and the intra-community supply report (VD).
Creating monthly primary reports (balance sheet, income statement, lists of accounts receivable and accounts payable)

Additional accounting services:
Payroll calculations
Calculation and recognition of loan agreements and other financial instruments
Calculating fixed assets and real estate investments
Corporate income tax calculation
Creating and submitting excise tax, MOSS and other tax declarations
Creating and submitting statistics, Intrastat and other reports
VAT registration
Interaction with authorities in the scope of special checks
Applying for an EORI number
Annual Report
Consolidation and group reports
Participation in the auditing process
Management accounting and reporting

The exact volume of additional services, procedures and options are agreed separately with each client.