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Buscando um especialista emcontabilidade e finanças?

Encontre um escritório de Contabilidade

Altesia Tax and Accouting
rue François Dubois 2
1310 La Hulpe
02 880 14 37

Altesia Tax and Accouting

Altesia Tax and Accounting wants to be the preferred financial advisor from the beginning and throughout the growth of technology SMEs, for which we have developed specific expertise and tools.

We help Belgian entrepreneurs from the start of their activities and throughout their growth by providing exceptional accounting services and tax advice. Our chartered accountants and tax advisors are dedicated to providing the best accounting and tax services to help you reach your financial goals.

We are part of the Altesia Group and share the same principle "Simple, Straight, Smart".
Altesia is a partnership of hands-on professionals providing companies with a wide range of services in the fields of:
• Finance
• Procurement
• Project Management
Whether you are looking for part-time or full-time support, we deliver effective answers to current business needs through our pragmatic, structured, and collaborative methodology.

We commit to providing at each engagement all our efforts, skills, knowledge, and enthusiasm to deliver quality results on time.

Our expertise and experience are especially helpful to growing and changing organizations looking for flexible and customized solutions.